Saturday, February 28, 2009

I Love Psychology - With Certain Modifications Of Course (Updated)

That Older Generation Who Are Obnoxious
I was not at all a handsome lad in my youth. I was obese and with that kinda pimple-scarred face, I am sure I wasn't appealing in any workplace, social gatherings or just about anywhere.

After all looks have an advantage especially when it comes to sales.

Sim Mong Chai must be one of those bosses. He had harped endlessly on the good looks of the other salesman who was fair and handsome. He had verbally abused me many times as a screw-up. But then again, many of my ex-bosses weren't exactly good lookers either.

I am not from a rich family so I don't own any computer set myself at that time and had difficulty setting up the computer or operating it. Even more so at different clients' operating environment. This was to be the object of his verbal abuse.

He thinks we are all like him. Rich and with money to throw and owning computers.

These are precisely the kinda blimps whom I can't forgive. Along with my ex-teacher JL , the metalwork/woodwork workshop teacher (whom you remembered verbally abused me as FAT MAN), you will excuse me if I told my ex-colleague I wonder if they are already dead or holed up in some nursing homes.

It is now our turn to look at some of these older generation, if they were obnoxious, fumble at new Information Technology.

If We Buck Up, More Good People Will Join Us
I am not solely targetting at the gay community.

There is enough shit-trash out there in the world-at-large. Heteros or bis. We have witnessed many of these. Policies, processes, whatever.

What I am trying to say is that our community is maligned enough. So let us pull up our socks and put out a better image of ourselves in the lifestyle we lead and the values we espouse. That will then invite fresh people to join us.

People who are discerning and who can tell the good difference.

The Learning Program Just Got Better With This GC Module
I don't mean to be rude. But my module on Counselling Ethics was a real fiasco! I think when I recently borrowed a book on "Ethics" that this book actually enlightened and broadened my horizon more.

I know Chris was right in many respects about ethics (or its non-existence) here in our small world. But if he had at least tried, to instill some intellectual perspective and given some hope to those, who may one day, be in a position to influence and uphold good ethics.

When it got to Karen, I found Group Counselling (GC) very useful and practical and I could follow what goes on in class. Of course there were some of her discourses I would have liked to rebutt but I didn't and just let them lapse.

I enjoyed writing the essay too because it was focussed on practical issues.

I Love Psychology - With Certain Modifications I Would Make To It
Now that we are doing the Psychology module, I am totally piqued and intrigued. I am buying up more books and reading. This is like a totally practical and real-world application kinda subject.

Sure, I know my lecturer is transgendered but who cares! I am a little worried though of his/her background - early childhood developmental kinda thingy.

Reading widely, I find that I have access to multi-faceted perspectives of issues. Like counselling isn't exactly directive or problem-solving.

A few other observations here:

(1) Just like the onset of the Industrial Revolution which engendered a scientific management approach to work processes that caused humans to rebel, so it is the same now with the commercialisation, the profits-costs analyses and the disproportionate preoccupation with the economy.

(2) contrary to what Chris would have us believe, sports psychology and counselling have got to do with motivation in part and the management of stress to push sportspeople to their peak performance

(3) in addition to aggression and violence that are tagged on to computer games as their undesirable and harmful effects, I think there are now dangers of players taking on some of the computer characters' persona (which may be detrimental), the issue of nudity and sex, sexual violence and other insiduous pornographic effects

(4) autism has got to be looked at in a different way now. In fact a book I read acknowledged that while counselling theories do account for multicultural diversity (and that means in part sexual identity), it is still very much a hetero-perspective. If a gay is diagnosed as autistic, it is simply because he wants to have nothing to do with the opposite sex or straight same-sex boys(or at least in denial-bisexual or gay sex identities).

(5) fertility issues with a male - could it be that he is bi/gay?

(6) the concept of defensible space applies to anyone living in a public housing and in particular to gays who especially would want their private privacy even more

(7) I can now justify how stifled and suppressed I felt when my ex-roomie was living and breathing in my room next to me by referring to the concept of proxemics (in this case between what I deem as "lovers")

(8) Chris' lecturing style in class, to me, was an environmental stress in terms of dissonance

(9) Even though I think I am finally over my ex-roomie, I am still alternating between arousal, numbing and re-experiencing reactions which are consistent with PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorders).

Then again it could be because I quitted smoking.

Arh...the stuff psychology is made of.........

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