Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What Are Couplings For Then? (Updated)

Hedonism - That Is All It Is
An important point came up in our group discussion yesterday.

This was about how many couples or people attribute their "hedonism" to the "stresses and complexities" of life.

It is true the system had created many complexities for us.

At the same time, some of the complexities we created them ourselves. The web of lies, intricacies and deceit that we weave around us. We have only ourselves to blame.

For couples, the very fact that they are coupled, means that they wanna have each other to face the stresses of life. Soulmates, confiding, showing support and empathy. Most of all, they can indulge in physical and sexual intimacy. That would have been more than therapeutic.

Unless of course they were liars, fakers, serial actors and dramatists in this relationship in the first place, so that there wasn't one to begin with.

Or their family or friends or community as another support system.

Think of the poor lonely heart soul like myself who has nobody to turn to. No beau, no real family support, no real good friends or community. What can I do?

Luckily I still have some form of physical exercise to release these stresses.

So please stand up for yourself as to the stand that these stresses lead you astray to the path of hedonism?

More Sizzle And Fizzle, Gays
Gays, if a relationship fizzles, then look for another that sizzles. When that fizzles, another. What about if all else don't sizzle, then eat yourself a sizzling steak!

Better still, drink up sizzling Sprite!

Heads Thicker Than A Bullet-Proof Vest
All love movies/drama serials show the courtship fun, the sizzle and end with a marriage or at least a marriage proposal.

And it is supposed to be happily after.

What happens after that?

It is the very mundane everyday tasks of living. Working, the home like cooking, laundry, meals and spending time together (which shows love, sacrifice and caring) . Most importantly, showing empathy and support, communicating openly and confiding in each other and being truthful.

So unless the gays can get it into their thick heads what a relationship is all about (which I think they don't), please don't write SHIT-TRASH articles like this.

Fakers And No-Experiencers Writing Books?
I know my lecturer Chris is writing some books due for publication soon. That is what is stated in his blurb.

Knowing what a faker he is and the kinda experience (or lack of) he has, he is probably picking up from the students in his classes or from my blogs. I am sure his IMH experience was culled more from the nurse at IMH studying in my class.

My ex-roomie has told me he has written a book (in Chinese) and so did his Indian classmate (in Tamil I presume).

Is there a connection here?

Are they translating for each other and trying to push them into the huge Chinese and Indian markets?

I wish them luck as fakers normally wouldn't succeed.

Isn't It The Same? What You Did Then And What They Are Doing Now?
Let us be really fair and objective here.

The Malaysian Chinese came here first to work. Look at them now. Most would have gotten their permanent residency, even naturalised eventually.

Some got educated here at various stages of their lives and got residency too.

I know some of the mamasans managing the Chinese KTV girls are Malaysian Chinese.

They also control some of our produce-importing markets.

So if the China Chinese now do the same , aren't they just following their path? Is there something wrong here?

But of course, I am in favour of the good and better China guys obtaining our PR or citizenship. I am not and have never been too keen on the girls. Well of course being gay helps. And they create new industries for us - not take away from us.

I am not too sure about the rest?

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