Friday, February 06, 2009

Repeating Groove (Updated)

A Thread Of Bad Luck
You could begin to see the thread of really bad stuff that is affecting me.

First losing my beau, then meeting up with a lecturer who knows no boundaries in his lessons (going off in all directions into senseless trivialities and nonsensities) , the financial crisis and meeting up with my past in the form of my ex-colleague and with my group members in this learning program.

All totally needless.

It is pointless going back into the past and reliving painful memories. And I am like in two worlds if I will be cut off from the future either.

Like a coursemate (and it gets scarier by the moment as I discovered that this Australian lady could actually be the person who is with an adoption agency acting in Cambodia, going by her first name, and she is now divorced - that means everyone has an agenda in the class looking for something) mentioned about her 6 year old daughter who is profoundly deaf.


Read this once more :

Knowing the gay households I have lived in and the rest as well, I need a roof over my head. It is gonna be a relationship with my beau and my beau alone. The rest can do what they like, it is none of my business. We role model ourselves and no one disturbs us.

I wanna work in the secondary schools/junior colleges as an Allied Educator for teaching and learning. Not counselling. That will take a lot out of me.

I will NOT be driven to any political parties. Nor to my family members. Nor to receiving handouts from charity organisations or even lodging with them. Nor to any BLIMP or BIMB or WIMP. No gals. No oldies. No certain kind of gays.


Our Singaporean Malaysian PR - No Need National Service
Ben had, during our coffee session, mentioned how "tiu" (meaning feeling a sense of losing out which shows jealousy) when he had a Chinese girl during his university days who hooked on to a local engineer living in a 3-storey bungalow.

He typecasted the Chinese girls as all having abortions in Johore.

Who the gold digger is, I am not sure. Ben or the rest?

As I reflected, I can't trust the Malaysian Chinese I have worked for, with and lived with.

Auntie Chan Moi, etc.

The Way I See It
My first Chinese tenant, a student at the then Syscom (later AIT Academy) , He Jian, a HangZhou native, was instigated by the whole gang of them - the eunuch Daryl, Wicked Stepmother and so on. What their nationalities are, I can't confirm. I suspect they are Malaysian Chinese.

Then Huai Bao, a ShenZhen native, had a Malaysian classmate whose parents are in the bakery business and boy, when he stayed with me, was it topsy turvy at home.

And a string of a few others...who are behind them I can't confirm. Again I can only postulate that they are Malaysian Chinese.

My bosses - Tan Wee Tin, Khoo Ho Tong, Hong Poh Hin, Mah Kah Leong of CPA firms - the 2nd and 4th of them with Malaysian roots while the rest I can't confirm - had variously Malaysian staff and it was really a madhouse at work.

Tan and Khoo were nice bosses, but not the staff.

Sim Mong Chai and Richard (SME bosses of IT firms) similarly need their background checked. Tyrannical and evil.

The mamasan managing the China girls is Malaysian, at least the one I observed.

Rationale Behind It
I think it goes something like this : Singapore is run like a corporation for economic reasons. This has extracted a huge social cost in terms of profiteering, a warped sense of ethics, a money culture, value system, human relationships and so on.

Many true blue Singaporeans are not working in some trades for obvious reasons of our upbringing and education and so foreigners fill these positions.

At first, it was the Malaysian Chinese. The technical positions, the IT posts, the accounts/audit work, the F&B, the retail sectors, the hair trade and so on.

They must have found life tough and unpleasant. But given the option of returning home, they rather work here for the money.

When they got their residency or citizenship and fill top management or ownership positions in our commerce trades, they began to bad mouth Singaporeans and Singapore because of their own bad experiences.

Now, the China Chinese are taking over their positions and they bad mouth about us to them as well.

They are manipulating them and instigating them against Singapore and us.

Between the two, the Malaysian Chinese and the China Chinese, I pick the latter. I think I have seen enough of the former's antics.

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