Sunday, February 15, 2009

Punkers Now Playing Gods

Overfed, OverPampered And OverBloated Civil Service
In today's climate of an economic recession and a global downturn, it makes one seethe with anger to see the kinda totally needless waste of employment of redundant resources in some of our public service sectors.

The SWAT team looks like one. We can't deny terrorism isn't around us, but we do seem like we are overplaying it here and the numbers we employ. They are almost always where they are not needed. Some are even foreigners.

In between patrols, I spotted a team of two stopping by a convenience store. Not a very good projection of a public image especially while on duty.

A bloated, overfed and sometimes I wonder, needless, defence team has seen that Arab Hindu (who works in the defence team) and his gang (who is of his ethnic group and which has been harassing me for whatever reasons and whom I have not a single interest in) who has time off to work as a personal trainer in the gym.

I remember my OC back then who visits KTVs and speaks of the mamasans there. Given the kinda "switch off" job in the office (paper shuffling and signing) and the grade-pay of his rank, he can even afford a landed property.

These are the overfed public servants who have nothing better to do than spend their wealth on the sex trade. Not a good model for the rest and what they have created in social value and wealth is another issue altogether. Usually nothing.

Our cops-in-blue were doubly quick to swing into action when summoned to nab motor vehicles-parking violators for the money. When a brawl took place at night near a sleazespot and when they do respond, it was all over and the brawlers had dispersed.

The launch of the new food mall near where the 5 KTVs I live around, saw wreaths of congratulatory bouquets. Among one is a well-known chartered accountant who is also an active religious leader and now dabbles in sleaze as well.

I got a second ticket for not stubbing out a ciggy butt in a bin. I can live with the court attendance and whatever it will mete out but as long as my employment prospects are not affected.

Fact is smokers have been chased around this school spot till we have no more smoking zones to puff away. Worst the disposal bins come without ash trays and they expect us to snub them out here and start a fire.

Just have proper disposal receptacles for the smokers and they do feed an army of cleaners (sometimes really redundant too) and that is their job.

They treat litterers just as they do homosexuals - criminals.

These are the patrollers who probably screwed and harassed people like me back in school and ended up where they are now. Now they wanna play GOD (occupying positions of authority or ownership in public and private sectors) and do "good" and harass people like us some more, according to their screwed values.

They sit around the office, come out to hotspots well-known for smoking and the money collected becomes their salaries. Famous for taking money out of the people and they created nothing new - either in terms of industries, wealth or otherwise.

Fuck you!

ScapeGoating The China Chinese
They have done everything the earlier immigrant workers or residents did before them.

There is no need to pick on them and scapegoat them as gold diggers, residency seekers or whatever else.

Some are, just like those before them, while the rest aren't.

For my part, those who are my friends, I am no sugar-daddy affording them luxuries like big houses, cars, allowances and presents or what-have-you.

Just simple outings, meals and sometimes their transportational needs as they are working class people.

Probability Versus Fundamentals Gambling
Gambling at the Singapore pools is about probability maths. Usually one in a million or more.

Other investments (deem to be gambling by the masses and we have the media to propagate this) are usually about fundamentals versus sentiments, not probability.

Get this right!

More No-Experiencers
I can gauge from the class, how experienced my fellow study-mates are.

From the kinda talk going on, I know they have no knowledge about property progress payments, nor of any deeper inter-personal relationships.

So I know they can't understand or empathise very much.

The same goes for anyone, in any age group, young or old. If they have no experience or knowledge in that field, they know nothing. Like Chris.

How My Study Group Is Progressing
At first I objected to putting up the skit because as the discussion progresses, it became more complicated.

But then when I rethought about it, it wasn't too bad, provided the Director could hammer out the logistical issues which I leave to her. And SHE is so full of ideas and suggestions and in this case, for good not bad as we were trying to reach out to the audience about negative peer pressure.

It kinda help build our team too. So drama skit it is.

Which reminds me of my previous workplaces with some WOMEN and GAYS. And they were always suggesting ideas (not always good) and turning the whole work place into a madhouse.

Love Matters (Or Does It)
We have a local movie made on this topic. And in a write-up, someone added another extra liner of "or does it?"

To me it matters.

I can't be doing it out of economics if I am not physically nor sexually attracted in the first place (like ethnicity, nationality, and yes I only dig Asian Chinese with few exceptions, gender, age and so on) and then the whole issue of character, compatability, personality, culture, sexuality, values and other traits follow.

Like genuine caring, empathy, compassion and love.

Wouldn't anyone?

I know some would do it out of some advantage - money, prospects of a career, a job or something.

Maybe the writer cannot fathom this.

And I have many close encounters with potential beaus but because of the denial, the games we have to play and so on, they all fizzled out? And of course I can't live with the slutting gays I ran into. It was the wrong circle to hunt for one after all.

All I am asking is that though we all wear a public mask and lie to all out there in the outside world, even to our family members and friends, but at least in a relationship, let us be true to ourselves. Otherwise how can it ever work?

Does that explain some of the celebrity split-ups we have been seeing lately? In fact do celebrity marriages last very long? Did they carry their acting or politicking or business roles too much into their own inter-personal relationships? The sizzle fizzles.

And I am only attracted to 1 other in my class now and 2 of them from the previous intake. The rest I am not even attracted.

For me, it is no appropriate beau, more fooling around.

To The Profoundly Deaf Once More
As I said, if some evil forces out there are trying to bankrupt me into not being able to be employed and to have to turn to anyone in return to be fed, housed or clothed (or maybe out on the streets) I rather choose DEATH.

Get this VERY RIGHT!

In fact I don't wanna moralise for others. As long as I am left to do my own things my own way. I moralise for my ownself.

Ethical Sales?
A bit more about that monster SIM MONG CHAI.

He employed programmers to write accounting software. This ex-colleague I recently ran into was one of them. Today when I asked him, he admitted they couldn't solve many bug issues which crop up consistently.

Back then, the tools were really not up there yet. So you can expect many bugs and at that time, there were already Windows versions out there while he was still on DOS.

Imagine a salesperson like me had to cover up all the flaws and clients are not stupid fools or blind.

There you have it!

Trying to sell flawed products - ethics or no ethics?

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