Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Adding Up The Emotional Distress

Transference And Counter-Transference
I ran into an old ex-colleague of mine recently.

We faced the same tyrannical and BIG PRICK of an ex-boss, Sim Mong Chai, accountant and director for Value Added System. Previous director of SOXAL. A bully, a verbal abuser, a manipulator.

He didn't like him one bit either as I found out.

But guess what? Now that he is a boss himself, he is doing exactly what this FUCKER was doing. Bullying, insulting and exaggerating himself. He wasn't even listening. There is nothing I can do much except that in our counselling program, this is known to be transference and counter-transference.

In short Sim Mong Chai is a psychopath and psychotic. Like all the other bosses of the SMEs (usually family-based companies) that I have worked for.

He-Ape, Richard and the rest of the gang.

Don't forget the blimps, bimbs and wimps for colleagues who played along and I had to suffer in silence, just trying to be myself. Or pretend to get and go along.

Enough Is Enough - Mental Distress And Torture
It has really been a bad year-end and start to a new year.

First I was recovering from staying at Old Airport Road and the Great Financial Depression.

When I thought I had recovered and that a roomie would be good for me to act as a emotional and moral support (and I was going all out to help him too, in his school work and daily life for example) I had to get one who wanted to play games, act out a movie script , a serial liar who just had too many other places to stay and whose real intention wasn't too clear.

So why rent a room here with me? And he had to take public transport to his classmate's house (as I learned it was his hometown gay lover) whereas it was just walking distance to school at my place. Wouldn't that have saved him money and time?

I like him a lot and I just do not know who exactly he is and what is really happening in his life and what his intentions are. He hasn't helped me one bit except to add to my emotional turmoil.

It was more emotional distress and then my private property went into a tailspin and I had to face off another psycho of a personality in class - my lecturer.

Now I face the prospect of homelessness and even upon graduation, I may not be able to work the job I want if I still owe the developer money.

And living here with a household of other serial liars and actors (maybe even one is a boyfriend snatcher) and playboys just add up.

I fear for my next roomie.

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