Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Two Is Company

Yesterday, 2 European girls asked if they could sit right next to me at a coffee table.

I couldn't refuse them, could I?

They were young and beautiful. But as I don't dig girls sexually or physically, American, Asian, European and what have you, I wasn't the least bit interested. Cleavage-revealing dresses, short shorts, mini-skirts, whatever.

They do provide good communication pieces at times and we will just be friends at most.

Much less the blimps. Out of touch with reality. Loves to generalise. Usually not in the know with new knowledge or technology. Caught up in a static world of their own . Sometimes a very small world.

Just like Sim Mong Chai. A local entrepreneurial software developer. Outmoded technological tools. The software couldn't deliver what it promises. In fact it couldn't do a lot of things (try thinking AccPac of those by-gone days). Loads of bugs and defects. Better competitors were already out there and running on Windows.

And he thinks he wanna bull-doze the product through to the accounting fraternity.

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