Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Sick Community (Updated)

My Class Community
I was kinda surprised and taken aback when some of my group members came up to speak.

We were supposed to share our group experiences but it turned out to be a night of the Oscars where they were grateful for being there that night and was thanking someone or the class. Nothing of their feelings or of their experiences.

Given their age group, I don't think they have very much experience or if they were stuck in a small circle of just one kind of work and a social circle, I am sure they wouldn't be very experienced either even if they were much older.

During the preparation for presentation, I went along with the Directoress just like the rest of them and everyone was nodding in acquiensce even though they didn't really know what was going on.

It was worst when the Directoress who was so confident and sure throughout our skit rehearsal was actually asking me for directions on what to do on the night to present our case study.

I think the school, the lecturers and the study group have to understand that we are all there for one purpose - obtain some paper credentials (fuck you), be able to get a job we want and graduate. Maybe make some firm and good friends.

As for me, a gay beau and he is most likely to be from outside the class circle. First and foremost a gay or bi sexual identity is a must for initiating any relationship. Then the rest follows.

The Community
This is how the community is.

Especially among the old aunties and uncles manning the foodstalls or something.

When they open their mouths, there is nothing good coming out. A lot of incendiaries, a lot of nonsense and a lot of sarcasm. They don't know a single thing, so KEEP YOUR BIG MOUTH SHUT!

Take for instance when I ordered a whole fish from this food mall next to my dwelling place. The auntie told me she is charging $4 when the normal price is usually $5. She then launched into some sorta sarcastic tirade to coax me into taking it up by hinting that perhaps I will strike the lottery the next day.

If I had been in a foul mood that day, I would have socked it to her.

You should look at some of the foreign cleaners at this food mall.

The Smoking Zones
That is why I keep quiet most of the time. I say nothing. I don't mix around at the gym or anywhere. I try not to say stupid things that will get on the wrong side of people. I say only when I see it to be true.

Otherwise you jeopardise other people's position and lead them astray!

Like the smoking zones for instance.

If the security guards had kept their big mouths shut and not chased us around till we had no place to smoke, then I wouldn't have littered the ciggie. Because on that night, I was conversing with this dude and the security guard chastised him for disposing of it in the big plastic bins, so I naturally walked away to throw the butt somewhere else.

Fuck the mother cheebyes! Useless fucking security guards and one Indian foreigner manning our school campus counter was the WORST FUCKER!

So are you concerned about the ill-effects of smoking and my health or are you more concerned with the environment and the ciggy duties collected. Which comes first?

Anyway after reading about the effects of nicotine on the receptor sites, I have decided to quit.

The Gay Community
Going by the gays I meet and the articles they write online, you can see for yourself the kinda shit-thrash they have been perpetrating first among ourselves and then spreading this to the larger community outside.

Screwing up minds and making us look really bad and promiscuous and sick.

I think all the things Chris, the psychotic, was saying in class were just projections of himself and of what he would have done and desire himself. The six-pack, the saunas and so on.

Real sicko!

Money At Our Expense
It is all about money isn't it?

When my classmate told me how his psychiatrist tried pushing another kinda psychoactive drug for his bipolar treatment, I knew instantly that this was about making additional money.

After all, ALL of us suffer from depression at one time or another. If we were to go by the psychoanalytical recommendations, we would all have gone for treatment. That means revenue and big bucks for the profession and the more protracted the treatment, the better.

Total disregard for the side-effects.

Like my mom who has hypertension and prescribed a long-term medication. Did it help her or did it aggravate her medical situation more? The weight gain, the water retention in her lungs leading to pulmonary odema and finally a congestive heart failure and her eventual death.

More Money At Our Expense - Will You Pay For Counselling With A Quack And A Psychotic Himself?
And the sales consultant signing me up for this diploma course. At the PSD networking, I already got a hint that they probably don't recognise this qualification. At least not in the public sector.

Maybe on a case-by-case basis (as they have stipulated a preferable preference for the 5 polytechnic diplomas) and in the semi-private organisations like the statuory boards.

And to have a lecturer like Chris! Chao Chee Bye!

Dale told me he is a queen. Nobody wants to fuck him even if he offered himself free! Maybe some really old farts would!

If they think they are trying to put me under all these stresses and presures so that I will break down and succumb and go for counselling with these IDIOTS who know next to nothing about anything, I WILL FUCK THEIR CHAO CHEE BYES!

You will remember how in the email reply, Chris asked if I needed counselling. That would mean income for him? To pay a psychotic who will probably give you BAD ADVICE and lead you to further DOOM.

CHAO LAO QUA! From the top to the bottom of the whole system!

Exiting A Business And Cashing Out - Is There Benchmarking And Can You Exit As Easily?
Most businesses are erratic.

Private education, medical health, whatever!

That was what I told my dentist. He had to invest a sum when the new medical centre opens in 2 years time. Sure, medical health is now growing at 20% per annum. But what if he wanna opt out? What are his exit-from-practice terms and returns like?

Can he cash out? Is there benchmarking like in property investment? In property, at least you have historical highs and lows to gauge and you can cash out much more easily.

I Would Have Been Saved If I Had A License To Run A Private School Earlier
Now some FUCKING public sector agencies are asking for training providers.

As they need a business registration and mine is gone since 2005 (I am only collecting mail from Yvonne) and I am torn between re-registering or not (in the former case, that means I would jeopardise my job application prospects since they would see it as a "conflict of interest" - FUCK YOU AGAIN), I just have to ignore them

In any case, it doesn't mean I would be successful.

And I have decided to join the Allied Educators' Group in schools instead.

If they had allowed me operation way back then (there were yearly tenders and the first few I had tendered but wasn't successful), I wouldn't have been hanging in the balance like now.


Foreigners Competing With Locals (Who Are UnCared For By The System) - Who Wins?
Recalling, at Wee Cheong Yew, these were the vital statistics of the graduates:

1.) one female graduate from an American unversity (can't be sure if she is Malaysian or local),
2.)that Malaysian dude (who married a local school teacher and who is the sister of that woman I know and that dude was later embroiled in a financial scandal ) from an Australian university and
3.)one Sabahan/Sarawakan Chinese also schooled in an Australian university.

What do the background tell you? Rich families who can afford an overseas education

They were all assets to the company while those like us, who were trying to further our accounting education under the SDF scheme (FUCK IT) were liabilities.

So do you think we can compete with them? Or the staff would be happy to administer the SDF schemes for us?

Good Scheme On Paper But In Practice..............

In all fairness, the SDF scheme meant well. But when it got filtered down, this the reality.

Assets versus liabilities. Costs versus profit. Additional administrative work and most companies do not like dealing with the government bureaucracies back then, maybe even now.

Would you rather staff come fully-trained or do you think, especially the SMEs and family-run ones, are gonna invest time and money to train their staff?

My Stance On The Various Stratas Of Foreigners Streaming In Here

Anybody can be a gold digger.

Not just the China Chinese.

The American celebrity Nicole Anna Smith was cited as one. So it can be Americans, Eastern or Western Europeans, Singaporeans, Malaysians, just about anyone.

It is just that someone (I bet you they are some of our own ethnic minorities and local people ) is stirring up anti-China Chinese sentiments and I think they are just jealous of their academic performance in schools and taking away all the prizes.

At work, I bet it is the Malaysian Chinese who see them as breaking their rice-bowls particularly at the lower strata of society. The technicians, the retailers, the F&B, the sex trade and so on. I am not too sure if I am against this group.

But I am dead set against those who come here very late in their life stages and take away jobs and university places. While creating nothing new. New industries. New jobs for our people. Especially the higher-income group. The rich.

But those who are born here or come here at a very early stage, especially if they are the lower-income group, I think they deserve the prizes if they are really good.

But you gotta start with our own people first. Those born here and who have been taught too well by your system and at home and cannot grapple with the kinda ethics imposed by the outside world.

Fucking Trashy Gays Again!

I know the people at the gym has been mouthing about me.

The fucking chee-bye gays again!

I know from the action of one particular personal trainer who was mimicking oral sex on a T-bar. He has zero personality so I wonder if anyone would wanna do him.

Then I ran into this Indian personal trainer at Fortune Centre while I was looking for health food (almonds for protein - because if you remember, the veggie exhibitors at the AMK library directed me there) and he must have thought I was looking for the China/Malaysian girls for massage.

Yeah I was doing some massage myself for like about only three times. First was that hot dude and the second time was another hot dude.

The third was some fat Filipino and seriously I can only do massage for that and it isn't easy for a heavyset person like that. I was sweatiung profusely and giving my all.

The faker Filipino trainer at the gym was purposely mouthing something that I was training hard so I can do massage. If I am doing that full-time, I owe my clients that I am fit and I look nice. Not like him - fat, bald and out of shape. And a faker and a carry-balls fucker! You should see him ingratiate himself to his clients and to the senior personal trainers.

And he will only get a massage from me - not sex.....I won't do him even if he pays me!

So I pick my clients!

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