Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"Watchmen" - A Movie That Approximates True Psychology SomeWhat (Updated)

Watchmen - A Movie That Approximates True Psychology SomeWhat?
The movie "Watchmen" is a good example of a study into psychology. And it poses a very important question ....."exactly who is watching who.....that is...who watches over the watchmen?
A group of anti-superheroes really, who themselves have a few skeletons hidden in their own closet.

First the Rorschacd Test (better known as the Inkblot Test) is symbolically shown to be scattered all over the streets in one scene and when Walter Kovac, the man behind the Rorschacd mask, was caught and quizzed, the scene showed how the test could be faked if you knew how.

Rorschacd's childhood was marred by his streetwalker Mom who prostitutes herself in full view of her son and all those men who visit her. He was bullied and called names untill one fine day he retaliated and bashed up his torturers real bad.

Then there were other psychological types like the comedian. A psychotic Vietcong war veteran (a good instance of PTSD or shell-shocked syndrome?) masking his true identity who was killed in the end with a smiley badge on him. He wasn't far off from the character Joker in "The Dark Knight".

Silk Spectre was born out of a moment of indiscretion between her mother and the Comedian and even Nite Owl is not spared. He has a history of viewing child pornography .

Finally, Ozymandias, the world's smartest and richest person, but a true loner who despite his wealth hates the economy. And yes folks, the destruction of humanity which resulted in Rorschacd's death in the end, was planned by him.

All in all, the movie is nothing new, in the likes of genres like "The Dark Knight" or "The Fantastic Four". Just like "Push", the other movie about a school for gifted psychics. Mostly a rehash of past similar movies.

However "Watchmen" came at a good time just when I am doing my foundational psychology program. And boy is it heavy stuff and heavy reading, just to satisfy my interest and learn more new knowledge.

Perhaps this movie deserves the Golden Psi, for once in the lifetime of this award, which is an accolade handed out to media producers (both television and the cinemas) that seek to portray psychology realistically and truly.

Shyness - In The Gay Context
It isn't shyness at all if gays avoid girls or guys.

For one, some gays like myself, wouldn't wanna give girls the wrong idea about where the relationship is heading. So if they can get the drift and the gays have made it very clear right from the beginning, I suppose they can go into a relationship.

Secondly, for the guys, if he is "straight" (I am assuming many things here like for one, that true straights do exist and if there isn't even a remotest, teeny weeny bit of bisexualism/gayism unless of course it is repression and denial), it is strictly a no-go.

Even for gays or bisexuals, it is also selective. You may not want to be friends with all and sundry too, right? You pick your friends and finally your life partner, guided by your own personal preferences and likes. Age, appearance, built, ethnic group (which engenders cultural issues), intellectual level and so on.

Of course there will always be the few excepions.

This makes it look like a shopping list, doesn't it? But the fact is, writing down a list like this doesn't half say what you will eventually bag. When you see the person, you will know if he is meant for you or not.

Mr Right? Or Was He Mr Faker?
I hate my ex-roomie for lying and denying and whose real intentions I cannot read. Was he making me a subject of his final year consulting project? An issue of multi-cultural diversity? And was Chris in on it? Maybe writing his thesis? Useless as that may sound, given the discrepancy between his credentials and the way he expresses himself.

Was he trying to get to me to hook on to other gays? Are the other flatmates living here involved (maybe Rafi or that other Malaysian PR or Henry), now that it is known that Ben owns another apartment just not too far away from here.

I also cannot live with the fact that he lived apart from me for three nights. Who exactly is he spending his other time with? Is he into monogamity? I can be "open" if he tells me. Because I can be just as un-monogamous if he wants it that way.

If it was his hometown beau, I don't think it will last very long. After all he has been here all his life and culturally they are different though they speak the same language. Perhaps it is time the EduTrust looks into if a pre-teen or someone as young as 21 can pursue a MBA (a fake one at that) without the need for any prior working experience. But was he a faker too?

Were they cahooters collaborating to sign up other students for the course while providing some sex sleaze on the side for these students? Again, an issue of money buys everything, including a private education? Is public education spared?

Maybe money can get them through the door but I hope private or public educators have a better sense of justice in that once in, everything else hinges on performance and diligence.

If this faker is having fun (as evidenced by all his late nights up chatting on the computer and surfing and not paying attention to his work at all), he deserves to fail and repeat.

If it is other gays (or girls) he is slutting around with, it will just as soon dissipate. Coming from this circle, I know, because I can gauge where he is coming from.

If it was Chris, I wonder what taste he has.

I wasn't maligning him because he was wearing a red sweater in school and when he stayed here, he didn't have a red sweater. That either means he borrowed that red sweater (for two consecutive days?) or he left some belongings back where he came from. He wasn't intending to stay very long.

Everything else I like about him.

Though I hate him to the core now because I am focussing on his negatives (his boasting about his prowess to attract both males and females), so I can forget about him completely and MOVE ON and obtain closure.

An Analogy
Just like you pick out what food to eat for the day OR WHAT YOU WILL NEVER EAT (for me, that means cockles and duck meat) or what clothes you will wear and WILL NOT be caught wearing with your pants down (high heels and skirts?).

For me, first and foremost, he must be Asian Chinese, preferably speaking the same languages like English, Mandarin and our local dialects. Then age, built and appearance. Finally personality, character and intellectual capacity which determines compatability.

Get the drift?

What Is Happening In Class Now?
I like her revision and her concept checks. That really helps to review what we learned and test our understanding. I find that I have to attend her lessons because she does explain concepts quite clearly with examples and elaborations in some instances.

However I think her field of study in child psychology and working with pre-schools does put her at a disadvantage teaching a major module like psychology. And her psychology observational experiences were mostly limited within that age-bracket too though she does teach adult students like us.

Unlike Chris or Karen where you find that you can be lost to the world in class (particularly in Karen's because of all my recent problems and stresses) but still catch up by reading books and the handouts.

I think I might have to stick to my original judgement that she does look a bit transgendered and a real good Bollywood actress and a heavily-accented talker at that too.


More Fakers In Private Education
Which reminds me of that Indian woman when I attended the Montessori pre-school teaching course. She smirks too widely and too often. Just like Chris, at one point during his lecture. She was rattling on about her days in the "university".....You can detect that it was a fake, totally insincere and question is, which university?

And yeah, just like my Indian lecturer, whose blurb says nothing of which university she graduated from.

Worse, that pre-school "lecturer" had the nerve to come up to me and ask if I am pursuing any pre-school teaching on the sly! An accusatory tone too.

Fakers, actresses, et al.

Gender And Sexuality - Some Roles Defined
This book on psychology offers the best perspective ever on "Gender And Sexuality".

I agree wholeheartedly with most of the contents in this chapter except for one or two issues.

Frankly I have no issues with women doing men's jobs like in the army or as a plumber provided if women can also accept men in what is deemed traditional women's work such as nurses or child-care teachers.

The whole point that is missing here is simply this. Let us not have men or women in any society-defined masculine or feminine roles such as the presidency of a state just to make weight or to make it seem like it is now a more equal society.

Let us only have them if they are equal to the job and make a difference.

For instance, a man at the workforce may already have issues with a male leader exhibiting aggressive traits. What's more if it is a female! And a dominatrix at that! He would have expected more nurturing or reasoning qualities instead.

In fact nobody has any issue with anyone occupying any position as long as that person (male or female) contributes positively, make a difference and is correct in exerting his/her influence or authority for good. More importantly they say things that are correct, reasonable, logical and makes sense.

If it was a female version of Sim Mong Chai, I am sure I would have the same aversion to that kinda authority.

I personally have no hangups with myself. I only begin to feel so among "humanity".

Like in class now, this girl classmate of mine makes me feel like I am a girl simply because I told her that I won't accept expensive gifts from anyone unless I like or love that person. Gifts like a laptop or a mobile the way she was showered with by a Caucasian male.

It is a matter of principle, not gender roles.

I am like made to conform to her social expectations of how I should behave. In fact, that seems to be the case among female colleagues or friends. Yes even among my sisters. Birthday celebrations seem like an intricacy of who should initiate the celebration for who, who should buy what for who, who should attend the celebration and who should pay for what .

Usually there is much happiness after that.

It is so troublesome and political.

That is the whole point I am driving at.

People Don't Listen Anymore
It is like this Aunty at the coffeeshop. One suspects she is Malaysian. She doesn't listen. You order coffee and she tells you that it is only dine-in, no take-away. I wanted to dine in anyway and I know for a fact from previous encounters that they don't have take-aways.

Then on another occasion, I plonked my money down on the counter and kept pointing to her and telling her that the money is there. After that she still forget and ask you for the money.

Or my friend, that ex-colleague whom we both work for Sim Mong Chai.

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