Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Singaporean Pysche

I hung around a classroom the other day at school to study late into the evening.

Two guys struck up a conversation and later a third joined in. From their conversation, I gathered that two were working in the defence team.

It was typical Singaporean accent and talk. As you know, I was already hot and bothered with the "Singaporean" (whoever this group now is - disparate as it is after so much miscegenation and naturalisation) mentality and this conversation piece typifies it to the hilt.

Singaporeans do seem to be generalist. They aren't very specific and they do tend to oversimplify problems and prescribe typical solutions. I suppose this is what they mean by going with the flow thingy.

Most outside conversation pieces between business and working colleagues tend to focus on corporate politics and people or money. Read: target profits especially for salespeople. Sometimes among the women, they gripe about families or in-laws.

I have only revealed about my relationship break with my ex-roomie and all the attendant "home" going-ons to my study group, so they know nothing of my other problems.

In fact a member of the group suggested that I should move out if I was so concerned about my next roomie. Little does she know that I have moved 14 times and I do feel sick, tired and worn out.

I don't expect living conditions anywhere to be any better as evidenced by the same few repeating online advertisements appearing on the gay web site and quite frequently.

If I am looking for a beau, I am looking for a totally fresh outlook and perspective on life and the China Chinese do seem to offer me that.

Yes the West will still be at the top of the league when it comes to original thinking but there are of course still room for errors but frankly I am weary of the English-language speaking world and all its perceptual distortions, distorted mainly by the people here (whoever they may be).

Arh....and those Western ways..............................................

If my school has some part-time teaching jobs for me as I have requested, I will be better off. It has been 3 months and there is zilch news so far.

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