Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What A Tough Assignment

Not An Easy Essay Topic To Write On
This assignment to write on and evaluate five personalities based on the various theories we have learnt represents the most difficult task among the three modules thus far.

I am glad I have those few good books to help me along.

When I read and studied them, the ideas for my essay topic started to flow and I found the first three personalities a breeze.

I wrote my fourth but midway, I stopped because I realised I was barking up the wrong tree. I was writing on a succesful businessman and somehow that didn't gel with a behavioral theory of operant and classical conditioning, especially of the negative kind.

I was also tired out from all that had happened. First discovering where my ex-roomie was staying and then trying to figure out what was really going on in his life.

Then there is that ever-present stressor of my property investment hanging in the balance and my agent just rung me to remind me of its due payment.

Finally I was like blowing up short fuses whenever I spoke and interacted with my ex-colleague and it wasn't doing very much good to both my physical and mental health. He reminded me of Sin Mong Chai's way and it was also my defence to stand up to him by socking back all that he threw my way. I was alreay emotionally affected by all the other stressors above.

So for a whole day I was stuck with my essay and decided that I should take a break and go for a run. When I came back, I felt better and my ideas started flowing again.

That was when I managed to complete my last two personalities with complete ease and handed in my assignment on the dot.

How I wished I was revising my work with my ex-roomie in our room, smooching, hugging and having GREAT SEX while studying.

My ClassMates And My True Chinese Soul-Mate
I am not sure why Claire isn't talking to me as much and avoiding me like the plague these days.

So I am growing closer to Sab instead.

All this while, through my relationship troubles with my ex-roomie, I realised there was only ONE person who stuck by me. He had patiently met with me and listened to all my woes both in person and on text messages.

I have been smsing him at odd hours of the day and he has responded kindly. He has been a comfort and a good listener. After I poured my all to him, I actually felt cathartic and happy.

He is only a simple Chinese boy working at a cafe. I am beginning to think who I should really love. Is it him or him?

He is away for now and I will have to wait and see.

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