Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fleeting Thoughts (Updated)

Overseas Education Or Holed Up At His New Apartment?
When I asked Old Aunty the last time if Ben owns an apartment somewhere else (because somehow I have this intuitive feeling he does), she denied it vehemently.

Today, of course, I discovered he does and my ex-roomie, according to a classmate of his, lives around that part of town too.

I also found out that Ben has gone overseas for his higher education. Old Aunty has come back and when I discovered Ben missing for a couple of days since Friday, I suspected something. So I asked her this morning.

I think it is a lie from the way she said it.

He is probably living at this new apartment but with who I don't know. After all it is near his school. He must have new plans for his school or just something up his sleeve. Rick will probably visit there and here too. But I don't think he will be a permanent fixture there.

I can only suspect that it is my ex-roomie?

Higher Education
I realised part of the reason why foreign students flock here for their education is the fact that we are an "open" society.

They have relative freedom and they are free from the strictures back home and your guess is as good as mine what they do indulge here while under the pretext of studying.

I can surmise what my ex-roomie is up to?

Has He Changed To Camouflage Himself?
O boy did I run into him at school yesterday.

He had short cropped hair and was totally tanned. What has he been up to to acquire that really dark tan? Swimming? Golfing? National Service?

Why was he doing that? To blend in with the surrounds so that he won't be mistaken for a China Chinese?

He is apparently living with his Indian classmate as I was told by this Indian classmate. Was he introjecting just out of obligation or courtesy or just as a general sign of mutuality?

As usual he was surrounded by his classmates who looked like his bodyguards. That no guts PIG! And he was in a hurry to leave class for wherever too once it ended! And on his mobile like always!

I text him after that to give him a few pieces of my mind and I suppose that is it!

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