Thursday, March 12, 2009

Meta-Analysis - The Mother Of All Analyses (Updated)

Harvard Referencing System : Coon, Dennis & Mitterer O John (2007) Introduction To Psychology - Gateways To Mind And Behaviour 11th Edition (USA - Thomson & WadsWorth)
This book on psychology is a must-read for everybody.

More so for the gay community. Gays! Read those chapters pertaining to our gender and sexuality and start using them as weapons to defend and propagate ourselves and our causes. Even more so the values they espouse.

The Rorschacd Tests
The more I think about it, the more this becomes apparent. The inkblot test is just that - an inkblot test. And we associate ink with black-ink. What would most people associate black ink blotches with when they see them? Obviously the "dark side" right? Like the "Dark Knight".

So they will go on to describe things like they see "a black bat hanging upside down on a dark willowy tree on a moonless dark night".

If those ink blotches were the colorful ones, then more obviously the testees go like ...: "I see butterflies resting on a red rose flower" or "a rainbow in a crimson-colored horizon"....The bright side.

Isn't that obvious enough?

My One And Only Class
I know for a fact that there are now a few newbies in my class. People whom I have not seen before. Perhaps they were repeaters or they were just planted there! And this woman sure talks quite a lot in class like Dale does. Dale must always have her say, it seems.

After I blogged about my lecturer, I thought I notice a death threat scrawled on one of her slides which was addressing me. Something to the effect of "knowing too much.........I WILL KILL YOU......and life is all about death....."

Look if I am gonna die, I am gonna die. You don't have to hurry me! I will get there when it is time! And I am fully prepared. I know people are trying to hasten my death with the way they are scripting the financial crisis.

But seriously, do you wanna see my body splattered all over the sidewalk like the death of The Comedian in the movie "Watchmen"?

Wouldn't you want to see me like I am now? In one piece and pretty buff too? Wouldn't that have been a preferable choice?


A Sad Sad Me In A Cold Cold World
I feel very, very sad tonight when I pondered my fate and that of Singapore.

It is such a cold, cold, cold, ruthless place here. People, even "friends", relatives and families, are just making use of each other for some advantage. Money, influence, prestige, whatever. Friendships and relationships are never really friendships and relationships.

It is the whole culture here. Superficiality, artificiality, shallowness and callousness in the way we speak and the things we do. Materialism, commercialism, sexism (and I mean sex big time), profitism and moneyism.

If today I jump off a high building and kill myself, it will just be another statistic in the annals of the DOS. I don't think it will even make any headlines.

But wait, I will probably pen a death-note to my ex-roomie, the BIG PRICK!

That is the sad state of Singapore. The economy matters more than anything else here! Business goes on, unabated!

Look Who Is Attending Classes Here With Us!
And yes, our men-in-blue are attending Financial Planning workshops at my school! At the same time my ex-roomie is doing his MBA program!

I can pick them out straight away! For the men, usually ethnic and carrying motor-cycle helmets!

And they are sponsored!


He Is Back (Though I Haven't Seen Him Physically Yet)
Yes my ex-roomie is back in school. I haven't seen him but I know his class-is-in-progress!

I have taken pains to avoid school the last couple of months because of him and now that I think I am fully recovered, I am taking more pains to try not to run into him.

I am not sure what my reaction will be - HATE OR LOVE.

Dude, I really loved you! I had hoped for a monogamous relationship and till today, I am not sure who you are sleeping around with. The Chinese people in your circle or did you cross over to my side of the house too?

But what can I say if you have other plans? I may have to oblige if I really love you! After all I am a man! I can stomach it provided they are my type!

I know there are still ingering feelings for him but they are unrequited. So I guess I have to really ERASE him completely from my mind if he still doesn't reciprocate!

A Choice Of A Partner (Friend, Sex Or Life) Is A Matter Of Individual Preference
I am not blind to my envronment unless I am stressed like recently.

I wasn't wrong about the posturing of those Indian managers and trainers at two branches of California Fitness. Even today, the Arab Indian and his Indian partner are still doing it.

Just recently, this Indian manager walked round behind me while on his handphone when there was more than enough space in front of me for him to walk on. He was harassing me and that deserved my response in kind!

I wasn't gonna let that go that easily.

Evil Will Have His Day!
Are they connected to Old Aunty here at Ben's? Because she asked if I work out at Calif and she did mention once about this Arab Indian, as if like I must GET an Arab Indian for a life partner.

This must be Ben's evil doing and like ALL EVIL, he will get his JUST DESSERT! Why doesn't he start the ball rolling and get one for himself just to role model?

Once Again, With Hate, To The Hard Of Hearing

A choice of a friend, a friend for sex and a life partner is a very individual matter. Once again, to the profoundly deaf, I only dig Asian Chinese! With a few exceptions! And even then only certain kinds of Asian Chinese for friendship, sex or a lifetime mate!

Positive Psychology
Well blow me down!

Right next to where our class was being held at this hotel, was a school focussing on positive psychology.

What we have been doing in our class thus far was mostly negative psychology and with Chris, it was negativer than negative psychology. Usually in the order of psychological disorders.

Isn't that like focussing more on two of Eysenck's three-factor-analysis of PEN more than its positive extraversion factor?

I Wasn't Wrong, Attitude Dictates Business Outcome
You should look at this newly open food mall.

The stall-helpers and sellers all have attitudes. So do the managers. Posturing. And most likely Malaysian Chinese.

There has been one verbal exchange directed at the stall where the incendiary old aunty (most likely Malaysian Chinese again) works. This was between a China national woman and the old man at this stall.

That says it all! Business isn't roaring here and they should know why! Attitudinal workers and managers, expensive and below average quality and variety of food !

They should fold soon enough!

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