Saturday, March 21, 2009

"Coming Home" (Latest)

The State Of Our Singapore Elderly Men And Some Women
A young handsome China boy just told me about his encounters here.

It seems like a few of our local girls (assuming they are) were trying to hook him. They were gesturing and dressing to seduce and even to the extent of obtaining his mobile number. On the bus, at the cafe, everywhere.

Slut whores?

Then he related how when he lived at a local neighborhood, he witnessed the old uncles at the coffee-shops, dead drunk after drinking touching the girls. There was even a pervert who undressed girls at the neighborhood.

He says that back home in his Chinese village, the elderly don't live a lifestyle like that. They are decent old folks.

Here you see the elderly in all states of psychological pathologies like suffering from poverty to ill-health to perversion and sex.

Well, well, well. City living, architectural psychology and hypersexuality all add up, don't they?
We Are Becoming Like Them - City Living Disorders
First they exported their pornography. Then the Japs copied them and the rest followed. Then it was their whole way of life from dance clubs (with all its attendant sleaze like sex and alcohol to drugs) to pubs to brothels.

It is precisely this kinda environment that breeds all the damaging effects of junk relationship, junk sex, junk food and junk everything.

If that was not enough, they export their psycho-pathologies as well and we in Asia are lapping them up.

The Ugly State Of The Human Psyche
Let me illustrate how zombified and callous we all can be.

Just today, someone knocked over a tray of sandwiches which spilled onto the floor. A white couple (who looked like they were tourists) actually walked over them and the lady even kicked a sandwich away.

The gay agent who showed me a room was playing games. First it was No X, then No Y and finally No Z on ABC Road. I was so fed up, I gave him a piece of my mind.

When I related my woes with my ex-roomie to his beau (assumption here but then again) over the NET, like a typical Singaporean, he was callous, unsympathetic and unbothered though he finally agreed to convey my one message to him.

And that China Chinese wimp who was mouthing and instigating all sorta things suddenly sent me a chain text about a loving, forgiving and helping GOD.

What Is He Doing Living In A Death-House?
Guess what?

I just noticed that my ex-roomie had put out an advert to look for a 4th roomie to join his trio. This is assuming that it is a genuine advertisement. Because as I found out, Ben owned a unit above his school space which he is leasing out to gays. That means Old Aunty had lied.

Is my ex-roomie living there? Is this advert just a decoy? Is Ben really overseas pursuing his Masters or is he still here in Singapore? Both Ben and his mom have been relunctant to reveal which country he is going to to pursue his higher education.

After all, my ex-roomie had spent three nights away from me and I don't even know where he was holing up. He seems to have places to go and spend the night. Exactly where, I don't know. Is Henry, my flatmate involved? I haven't seen him for a couple of days. And is Rafi in on it?

It was then that I found out that my ex-roomie lived in a mortician's house right next to a funeral parlor. His two other roomies were a Chinese worker and another who is studying at a language school right near my school city campus.

What happened to the Indian classmate? I thought there were four of them. Did he pull out and so my ex-roomie is now hunting down a new room-mate?

Is my ex-roomie simply staying there (what a morbid sense of fascination or state of affairs) or is he working for the husband-and-wife pair of embalmer and mortician? The wife looks like a naturalised citizen of Chinese roots. Does that explain his recently acquired dark tan as he may have to visit graves in the hot sun?

He had mentioned a paternal grandfather who is cancer-stricken and dying and that he needed to go home to attend to the last funeral rites. Does this have anything to do with where he is staying and perhaps working?

Or as I have blogged before, part of a gang of organ traffickers? Or was he in anyway preparing for my eventuality?

Finally, is this part of his discretion in doing or indulging in whatever he is doing? But seriously, discretion to the extent of living in a death-house? And I know there is a swim pool nearby. Is this where he acquired his tan?

As I mentioned, was that advert a decoy? After all I haven't seen him physically living there right? Just like I know that his class is in progress but that doesn't mean he is physically in attendance.

Futile Search For A Roomie
Was he the one behind several attempts to thwart my quest for a new roomie? My Chinese version of the advertisement got taken down twice and a very keen potential actually suddenly bolted for no good reason. And I got a call from a China girl despite my advert indicating to the contrary.

Or was this due to other third parties like the China Chinese wimp or the rest. And I have spotted a Chinese study mama at my school who had sent her children to the foreign language school I worked at before.

Questions to which I have no answers.

But all I know is that if he is simply lodging there, I want him to move back here to saner quarters.

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