Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Final "Blessings"

Take A Pick - It Is My Choice
The ultimatum has arrived. I am fully prepared for my eventuality and I will watch how it pans out over time.

If someone thinks that with nothing on my back that I am gonna pick up the cudgels and fight for Singaporeans, they are deader than wrong. Singaporeans are never worth fighting for. The way they talk, the two faces, the way they behave and all that they stand for.

The foreigners, over time, become the same way. It just strengthen my hate of the Unholy Alliance made up of the wimp, blimp and bimb even more. Starting with my class. The "matured" working students prove to be like a microcosm of working life.

Dealing with all those girls and guys (the older the worse) in my class is no better than at work. I think it is far better studying in a truly school environs among not-so-tainted, fresher and younger people. Much like living in a school hostel environs.

Here living among the working class and two old folks, it is a household full of politics, bad vibes, jibes (especially from Old Aunty) and slutting shit. Social exchanges are superficial and full of lies and deceit.

Take a good look in the mirror again. You wanna be God and watch over us. Who watches you? Are you a piece of satin virginal silk with not a single blot? Just heed this : If people just do not like you or they hate you, they just don't like you and they hate you!

If someone thinks my life can be scripted the way they want it, they are dead wrong again. They won't see it materialise.

That I promise.

What More Can I Do To Make Him Come Back And Is He Worth It?
He had shouted once before at home and the second time recently over the telephone. I have warned him the second time round and if he does it again I will retaliate.

I have professed my love for him three times and have held wide open the door for reconciliation but he has been stubborn and refused to budge.

All the while he was with me, I had been faithful, right up till after we broke up because I was too emotionally traumatised to start anything new anyway. I had wanted him to commit to the relationship but he was preoccupied with his friends and spent three nights away.

He was lying and probably indulging on the side, contrary to what he is telling you that he isn't. What about his past room-mates? I don't believe he isn't doing anything and he is definitely gay but playacting. Another playboy like Ben and totally discreet.

I would be just happy with him alone and nobody else but does he feel the same way?

I think I should just forget him.

He Must Be Holed Up There
Who is contacting who, I am not sure. Perhaps it is my ex-roomie or it is Ben who initiated the contact but I have reasons to suspect that it is Ben since he was adamant at getting his contact in the first place.

Old Aunty has just revealed that Ben does spend nights at his school which means he was having double fun, here at this place and over at his school, perhaps with his students. And sharing them with Rick and his tenants living there.

And I am pretty sure my ex-roomie is there.

I have told Old Aunty that Ben should just stick to his circle of friends and get it into his thick head that we are not obligated to pass ours to him. He is attached to Rick and look at this slutwhore whoring around which bears the prophecy that Malaysian gays are really sluts!

As I said if my ex-roomie does that, it shows what kind of person he is and he is not worth it and Ben should be wary of people like that and himself. They will both meet their end.

Like that Malaysian Chinese whose relationship with a divorced man living in a condo just ended. Read - wealth and sex.


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