Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Truly Public Health Concern (Newest)

A Truly Public Health Concern
There you have it! It is not just littering a ciggy butt.

There is now the public health issue of poor food preparation and storage hygiene leading to diarrhea and food poisoning. An infectious kind that spreads quickly like wild fire.

For sure if our army of cleaners are not cleaning up or clearing the accumulated toxic waste in the disposal receptacles and on the streets or in our buildings as quickly enough or even ensuring the physical state of these are in pristine condition, the issue of public health will be even more pressing.

I hope other "public health concerns" will be re-examined soon - STDs among the foreign sex workers for one? Bed bugs as another? And second-hand smoking?

These Are Some Of America's And The West's Most Beautiful Legacies
Despite all the criticisms I may levy at the American way of life - some of its lifestyles which were the doing of its psychopathologies in the first place, there are many beautiful aspects of its culture the rest of us can admire, imitate and import.

Like its inventions. Computers, the Internet, electronic-mails, online messaging and chats, its medical inventions like the laser and ultrasound.

Don't forget all their medical and scientific researchers who give us new insights into the human condition for example. The thinkers, the philosophers, the psychologists, the writers and to a smaller extent the theologians.

Even its fashion labels and houses, creative arts and so on. The decent kind.

And last but not least, the gift of open communication and honesty in some respects.

Historical Reminder
Don't forget that the early civilisations of India, China, Islam and the rest of the world with their thousands of years of history were the first in innovation and invention. The Arabic numerals used in maths for instance.

This technological supremacy has now passed into the hands of the West who borrowed, stole, adapted and turned around the earlier creations and further developed them.

Unfortunately the West has also adopted some decadent idiosyncracies that have maimed and harmed their own society and that of the larger world.

It is now up to Asia to prove its historical mantle, foster its own ethnic and national pride while making its own clean break-through, both in terms of new ideas and technologies and breaking free of the unwanted and harmful influences.

A return to the good, old ways!

Remember that the West may be at the centre of their world, but they are not at the centre of the universe! It is not an ethnocentric world of white supremacy.

There are other truths and paradigms out there!

How Learning Mirrors Real Life
This module on "Conflic Management" must be one of the best modules ever to happen to me!

It comes right at a time when I am in conflict with Chris, the lecturer and my ex-roomie and I am keeping an eye on the conflict spiral which mirrors most of the phases of what I am going through.

I thought it missed out on one very vital component - Confrontation as one of the final action plan. And guess what, these real life conflicts are gonna help me write my assignment essay.

And no, I didn't get this from Chris' mouth, the powerpoint handouts or the study guide. I got them throuh my own reading of the few good books written by real practitioners and experts in the field.

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