Thursday, April 16, 2009

Truly Change Management

You Have Changed But Will It Be Sustained Throughout Your Module

I am only echoing Dale's comment at the end of the lesson. True enough, for the second lesson, Chris has changed. I have seen much positivism in the education content, new theories and the style he delivers, instead of all the negativities.

But of course, unless you do not have a mind of your own, I can't agree with every single farthing he espouses. It is much easier said than done, if it were as Chris thinks, that someone can choose to go or not to go into Depression. I hope he understands this.

So yeah Dale, I would have said so myself.....Very Good!

I Think I Know What The Class Is Up To
But of course I will be very cautious with this character. As Sab had warned me and a few others about him. Chris was on the same post-grad course along with Sab's hubby somewhere. What post-grad course and where Sab wouldn't say.

I would be equally careful with some of the characters in my class. I have seen for my "Ethics" module, this Hindu older woman chatting with Chris kinda surreptitiously outside the class during break. I can't describe this but I can tell from their actions.

Chris is communicating with some of the older women and ethnic students in my class probably to gauge responses, be in the know of what is going on and to find out more about others. I count to be among one of them.

Just Like My Ex-Roomie, His Body Language Says It All
My ex-roomie, after getting a sun-tan, was also hiding behind this girl class-mate of his, when he walked out of the class and was foretold by another girl classmate that I was outside his class, sitting in the lounge.

It was to shield him from me so I don't notice his tan and he was evading me.

This are the kinda body language and behavior I can't really put down in words that are telling and speaks volumes about someone.

Intent - It Is Not Going To Happen
I know Chris and some others are reading my blog because he has said something about "GhostBusters" and "Lian" and I know I wrote about this.

Sab had repeatedly mentioned changing lifestyle.

I think they are trying to change me, drive me to work for Chris or to some of the ethnics in my class or the girls.

This is not going to happen.

*Period* (for you Chris since you like periods so much...ha ha ha.....pun)

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