Sunday, April 19, 2009

Do, Do, Die, Die, Sex Is Still Primary

2007 Academy Awards-Nominated Movie
On a Friday night class, Chris screened the 79th Oscar-nominated movie "Notes On A Scandal", a British production about a lonely old spinster preying on a fellow colleague, a married woman teacher who has an affair with a 15 year-old boy in her school.

Mind you this movie is like 2 Oscar-worlds away from the current 81st one, so that means that it isn't new. Like the psychology book I read dated 2002. I am not sure if it has a new edition which means new ideas and theories. It is a good 7-year apart after all.

I am really not here to debate the relevance of the movie to our module on "Conflict Management" but that I enjoyed the movie thoroughly. Of course Chris' motives in picking this movie remains unknown.

What I enjoyed most were the dynamics of the various relationships. The heat and passion of sex between an older woman and a pubescent boy. The loneliness of an old spinster Barbara, in her sixties who has lesbianic inclinations. The loneliness of a supposedly fulfilled mother of two, Sheba, married to an older man. The anger, betrayal of trust and victimisation of Richard, the cuckold, Sheba's daughter and the mother of the teenage boy.

It was quite a laugh when both women confronted each other in one scene when the paparazzi was hounding them outside. That was when Sheba asked Barbara if she could fuck her like men do in their kind of relationship.

What stun me more were the parallels, if Chris were to be believed, between this movie and that of our own local woman teacher who had sex with her young charge. Apparently (a BIG apparent because I think he is making himself out to be more important than he really is ) Chris was her counsellor. The fact that this local woman teacher had watched the movie, her Down Syndrome child and the similar sentencing of ten months. Triple coincidence!

Question now is...did the movie plant the idea in her? Does the media do the same for all of us and public statements from authority figures?

Again, There Must Always Be Room For Disagreement
I said if Chris were to be believed because like in our psychology handouts, Arnold Lazarus (who invented multi-modal or eclectic counselling) was wrongly attributed to be Richard Lazarus who invented the theory of stress appraisals.

And of course, like his generation, he is still stereotyping. Girls manipulate emotionally (yes, most certainly in almost all cases) while guys just kill. Yet again he is assigning masculine and feminine roles.

Somehow I always feel that his class is full of intrigue. You know, INTENT, MOTIVES, MANIPULATORS and all the baddy stuff about humans?

While it is true in some cases, hey, it can't be true in ALL, right? And is he as harmless himself or is he another Barbara in man's disguise?

My Intent Is.....Sex?
Look...I have got only one intent - HOT SEX WITH HOT YOUNG the absence of a beau......

And working for all those SHIT-TRASHES was just one intent after another, I became like one of them myself....

Five Or More Hot Young Men
I notice there were not one, not two, not three but at least five hot new guys in my class! So hot, I wanna sex them all?

Get Off My Fucking Back!
I got one more harassing call from an Indian the other day.

I am not sure why! And who sent them! Was it my own second sister? Or was it just the community itself.

A Classic One-Liner
I understand that for the Roman Catholics in the Philippines that it is a one-week holiday during the period from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday or thereabouts. A gay Filipino told me that this was the week most gays romp up a storm on the gay beaches.

As Rafi was missing about that period (and I suspect that he was holing up somewhere else and not that he had gone back home to his country or maybe he did and was doing the above- actually I don't give a damn what he or Ben does as long as it doesn't involve my ex-roomie or my anyone) , I sarcastically retorted that it must be the lenten period when I ran into him yesterday night.

I Can Play The Game If Need Be
I have told myself that I can play the sex-game or the multiple-sex game if the gays so want it and that a monogamous relationship remains out of the question in most gay couplings.

It does seem that way with my ex-roomie, Ben and the rest. I think a guy would want his "girl" to remain faithful. Which guy wanna invest in a relationship only to see his beau flirting and sexing everywhere? It would also mean stability and inner mental peace for him, wouldn't it?

As I said, I accept my ex-roomie for all that he is. A flexi, a bottom, whatever and all his other foibles. But I may have to think twice or draw a line for bisexualism unless I can change that.

After all, I was bisexual to begin with until I met all those women at home (mine or when I was leasing), in the workplace and as friends.

Do, Do, Die, Die Must Have Hot Sex First Lah
If I must die or lose everything in the end, at least I am gonna have some real hot sex first.....


Think Real Hard....Bozos
If you think I was like born yesterday, think again.

I can still gauge who is masquerading as who. Like the Malaysian Chinese masquerading as the China Chinese.

And yes, I think the gay community has been maligning me as having a boyfriend. That is why people are rumor-mongering about me still slutting around.

Arh...sigh...they will get their desserts

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