Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Change? I Don't See It (Latest)

Examination Standards Are Quite Ok
I can fault my lecturers. I can fault the education materials. I can fault the system. But there is one thing I cannot fault. And that is the standard of the examinations. It isn't impeccably high but it is reasonably high enough to gauge a certain mastery and understanding and discernment.

It is either you studied or you didn't. You learned your facts and theories or you didn't. You remembered or you didn't. Save for the last which is rote memorisation, the rest do show what you have learned or haven't learned.

So there! I am pretty ok with the kinda examination standard set.

Impressive! Did You Buy All These Up With Your Money?

Chris is back for our fourth module - Conflict Management.

Tha last time I ran a check and the counselling centre said it didn't have him on the list. Now that our new study guide has a different blurb on him and it does trumpet him BIG TIME (consultant psychologist, clinical associate and Board Member of a prestigious international psychological association), I thought I should run another check.

Sure enough, this time he was listed.

I think it is a pure case of money buys him everything. And I am pretty sure he has plenty of wealth, what with his grandfather being a doctor once upon a time. Most likely a case of being licensed but incompetent.

While I mentioned that I agreed with most of what he said the last time, it was just those other things he said about gays and so on that really screwed everything up! Playing fire with young minds and my over-riding concern is that with young minds, they are gonna be led astray!

I just hope that he will use his experience and credentials to good use in helping others learn and discover their true selves. Not for EVIL!

Why Do I Get That DeJaVu Feeling All Over Again For His Class?

He was going on and on again with his "predisposition model", the exact same model for the "Ethics" course except for some adjustment with the labels and a rectangle flanking its four corners.

It is the way he speaks - the very "Ah Lian" style and as Dale appropriately sums it up - queenish! Given his credentials, we would expect some distinction?

Yes, he simulated fucking a male passenger on the MRT when he got a boy and girl volunteer to enact the scene! And at another point he gestured with two fingers simulating the breasts and another imitating the dick to model transsexuals in Bangkok!

Disgusting !

And yes...those endless videos........what does a Thai advert got to do with conflict?


Change? And You Have?

Conflict management, according to him, is change management. But I don't see very much change in his style and the materials he is teaching. In fact, it was like repeating his "Ethics" module all over again.

Same few sick jokes, same lines, almost same everything. A repeating groove!

As long as he remains reasonably subdued for this primer course and for the rest of the program, I might just stay on. Otherwise, I am bolting right after the break.

O, What A Stupid Question!

He asked another stupid question - "How has the recession changed you?" He was expecting answers like eating less (you mean we are gonna compromise on our nutrition and therefore our health?) and wearing beggar clothes.

Beggar clothes? We had those clothes with us before any recession. So we would still be wearing them right?

It really shows his "mentality"!

I suppose he thinks he can run away with murder with the license he has?

Chris, Those Were The Days Or Should I Say...Your Days...It Isn't Like That Anymore

One more thing struck me.

I realised that Chris is still stuck in that mode. The old mode of transsexualism or of effeminancy. That is like so passe already. He gotta know that homosexuality is now a matter of sex between two very masculine males.

At Least The Class Has More Hot Young Boys Now! Geez...That Boy Looks So Cute........

He asked students from the new intake to write a position paper on several inductory issues like why they are taking up the program and so on.

I suspect this is another way to obtain their email to prey on them or seduce them into therapy?

One consolation, there are more boys in the class now and some are young and quite hot! Not you old fart!

Oo. Seduction plan A or is it plan B?

Like Rhemi, Ben, Daryl And The Rest - I Think He Is A Eunuch

I have decided to forget my ex-roomie! Even though it pains me.

In fact, like Rafi, I realised that he is at best a flexi, at worst a bottom.

Yes, living on death street doesn't deprive him of sleaze. One block away and there is a KTV teeming with cleavaged call-girls and the whole main road after that is dotted with so many of them, Singapore might as well rename itself SEX CITY!

No real man would suggest the kinda complications he was suggesting and all those tricks! It shows. He is NOT A REAL MAN! Most likely another Ben or Daryl. A eunuch.

And I think I know his weak spots! He is a coward! A liar! An actor! A playboy! He has not supported me through all my crises! He was giving me my nightmares and my heartaches! He was the root cause of all my past stresses!

In short, in the short time we were together, he was a LOAD of trouble and lies!

And if he thinks I am so hard up over him, think again! There are plenty of better fish out there in the ocean! Hotter bods, younger, cleverer and more educated plus personality to boot!

I have just gotta keep on trying!

And that MBA he is pursuing sounds so much like a fake! He can just go to HELL and I am gonna make sure he gets some taste of what I went through the last couple of months while he was enjoying himself! All because of him.

Totally unmoved and unfazed by our break-up! I pray something befalls him and leaves him paralysed from an emotional trauma or something!

This is my last curse to him!

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