Friday, April 10, 2009

Behold The New World (Newest Updates)

Not The University But Perhaps Of The Employment Or Review System And The People?
I am not only ok with the kinda examination standard set but I am also fine with the assignments and projects they hand out so far.

As I mentioned before, the fault may lie with the educators employed, the education materials, the system structure (which speaks of a lack of rigorous employment, audit, review or critique on the part of the education board) and so on but it cannot reflect on the school itself.

There are just these few black sheep and they must be weeded out before they spread like cancer cells to the rest of the body.

I know the fault cannot lie with me because I do my readings consistently and I read widely outside what is prescribed in the syllabi. And I am spending time studying full-time though it is only part-time.

The Same Applies Here
It is the same case with my ex-roomie.

He cannot be thinking that his money is gonna buy him a post-grad degree. It has gotta be true talent, ability and diligence.

First he is already hampered by his language disability and if he doesn't work harder (the way I see it), then he doesn't deserve the credit right?

And the system cannot be making it any easier for him especially since he has all the full and free time on his hands to pursue this program.

Thus Far, Assignments And Projects Can't Be Faulted Either
Quite interesting and challenging and they do tickle your mind. I especially enjoyed Karen's and Reena's essay topics on "the developmental stages of counselling groups" and "personalities".

I did enjoy writing Chris' comparative study of the ethical standards of the various international psychology organisations.

I think my intellectual academic pursuits at this university hasn't been futile. I enjoy the reading and the writing and the examinations only because I enjoy what I am learning and studying. And all those new ideas, knowledge and research data that bears out the truth for many a theory.

Not so much because of the facilitators, though I wish it were.

I was looking for new knowledge and practicum to be coming from them but it wasn't happening as much.

Attribution Theory Excerpted From TA
There is this "attribution" theory excerpted from Transactional Analysis. Where you are told how you feel, what you are thinking and who you are when it really isn't YOU but that SOMEONE ELSE who is telling you it is.

That is to say, that SOMEONE ELSE is putting ideas into your head.

Step Away And ReLook The New World
Like Chris, I think he is stuck in an era of the bygone days. Transsexualism and effeminacy still figure significantly in his perceptual thoughts about homosexuality. That explains why he keeps harping on them.

That is to say, he is still hung up on "roles". The male and female roles. As I remember it, an obnoxious renovation contractor alluded to this derogatorily and crudely, by likening the female role as the socket and the male as a three or four-pin plug. He was probably insecure himself and yes, he doesn't look or behave too straight himself though he is supposed to be married.

Just like Old Aunty. When I helped Rick with dismantling the bed frame or hand-carry my portable LCD TV the last time, she assigned these roles as male ones. Or someone keeping long hair or bodily piercings and tattoos is associated with being "sissy". To me it is NO BIG DEAL!

We all play several roles. It doesn't mean that being gay that I can't play sports or do handy-man's jobs. I used to paint up my flat, drill holes and fix hooks for my bird cages or wall posters.

Here at Ben's, the sign reads that we are to keep the toilet seat cover clean and dry because there are LADY USERS! I am not sure how this sexual discrimination comes about!

It is time, these sexists step out of the shadow and see the NEW WORLD. It isn't like that anymore!

I wanna see more positivism emanating from these people, particularly from Chris.

I come to school to be educated not screwed by comical antics and especially of a perverted sexual kind that adds nothing to my education content. Education is to open minds not close it or screw it!

Please remember that!

A Fragile Mind - Mental Illness - Depression And Other Psychiatric Disorders
With a title like this, anyone who suffers from depression would be unfairly stigmatised with the label of being mentally illl and having a fragile mind.

Like me who suffered one blow after another the last couple of months, if one does not fall into depression, he has got to be SUPERMAN!

The question is how fast can he get out of the rut and pull himself together and what coping strategies help. For me, it was exercise, a confidant in the form of that cute Chinese boy and some form of sex therapy that helped me cope better. And yes lots of sleeping too, maybe even sleeping around? Just a joke!

Better still all those stressors could be taken away? An economic depression is not our doing. It is the economy and the world government's doing! So if that is taken away, then NO MORE stress and depression?

With the kinda lifestyle most of us lead, a vast majority of us suffer from depression from time to time. So the magazine will suggest to us that we need to be admitted into a Mental Health hospital for therapy and be medicated (oO, what of side-effects?), thus creating jobs and money for this community health sector.

Asians are lapping it all up. You lepers, I mean lappers!

Another Alien Culture Invented By Humans And Imposed Upon Other Humans Only To Kill Ourselves
Again, isn't this an alien culture we humans have invented for ourselves only to kill ourselves? The lifestyle of an economic pre-occupation? Key performance indicators? Achievement? Results? Exams? Rampant profits?

And all its attendant ills and stresses leading to psychopathologies?

Depression for one? Suicide? Mental illnesses? And the rest?

The writers and editors of this magazine should relook the headline and its sub-headings.

Big Time PharmaCo Industry
The common cold and flu wasn't such a big deal either back in those days!

I mean I sniffle a lot in the office only because of the air-conditoner. It got worse because of the stresses and I wasn't exercising as much or paying attention to my nutrition so my immune system goes down and became more susceptible to colds and flu.

Now it seems this has got itself into a BIG TIME pharmaco industry! People are downing cold and flu tablets, capsules or having themselves vaccinated or injected to prevent or cure themselves of it.

Not do all the above and then if it happens, it happens and let it run its own course and be done with!

What An Accurate And Innovative Pyschology Symbolic Representation
If he were the one who invented the predisposition model, I must tip the hat to him. It was clearly a very well-thought out and accurate model of ourselves. His psychological FAST and triangular plus circular symbolic representations.

He also got the rectangular representation quite right. The four Fs especially the Finance and Fitness labels.

Time And Money Is All I Need
It is my sincere wish to continue with a grad degree and post-grad degree in this field.

Only money will tell me if I can and I need to do this on a full-time basis to do justice to it.

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