Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Gift Of Nature And A Conflict Spiral

The Southern Ridges And The Marina Barrage
It had been a depressing past couple of months. One stressor after another. And I was holed up in school or at home, studying, reading or moping. Haven't really touched or feel very much sunlight.

So it was with GREAT resolution that I told myself that I should get out and soak in some sun and rid myself of all the bad events that had happened.

The Southern Ridges beckons. First stop : Marang Trail. The multi-steps and the scenic view took my breath away. As I meandered my way through Mount Faber Park and negotiated a loop, I found myself at the architectural marvel of the Henderson Waves.

That took me across to Telok Blangah Hill Park where I enjoyed walking the hilltop via a maze and spiral of steeled bridges built over the forest. Another architectural marvel the Alexandra Arch took me to Kent Ridge Park and before I know it, it was the gardening hub of the horticulture lab.

Flowering with colorful blooms and shrubs, it was quite a sight to behold. I ended my trail here, got out of the woods and landed up at the DSO Labs. I boarded a bus and switched to the train and made my way to the Marina Barrage.

Too bad there wasn't much to see here and no water activities yet. It is still very much a work-in-progress and the whole area will need some time before it is fully up and running.

I will have to wait.

Tit For Tat
I don't mean to be mean.

But really. The conflict has gotten to the stage now where it is revenge, provocation and tit-for-tat.

If I am gonna lose all of my everything, I think it is fair they lose something in return.

He Can Lose His Education And Fuck Off From Here
My ex-roomie can drop down to a lower-level program for one. In fact, he doesn't measure up to the Canadian MBA.

Or he can fuck off from here and go somewhere else.

He Can Lose A School Or His Rental Income And Go Out To Work Again
Ben has been having life too good. I spoke with a female cabby and she was wearing a hair-piece only because she was on chemo.

In Ben's case, it must be hereditary or he was on steroids. And he is vain enough to go for hair-transplants and treatment. Oh yes and that wig.

He is collecting rent from all of five tenants here and from the shophouse. And he is collecting income from his education service. Money BIG TIME!

He can lose his school's license and just feed himself on rental or lose both and go out to work again. After all he has a business degree.

I am paying him rent while he steals people's boyfriends, BIG TIME serial playboy and shakes his leg.

Anyway I can console myself that both are probably more sisters than anything else.

Americans Who Speak Up Against Fellow Americans And Non-Americans Too
I am not alone in my thoughts and writings.

There are American writers who lament the American way of life too. One asked where all the menisches have gone? He doesn't see them in all the past presidencies so far.

Mensches by the way are decent, honorable, responsible and has strength of character, a prince of a man. It is a Yiddish word.

A Dutch analyst also thinks that the negotiation practice of positions and interests is strictly an American culture not applicable to other cultures.

So there you have it!

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