Thursday, April 27, 2006

This Is Indeed The End Of Mankind - The Kingdom Of Evildom

I am really angry at meself for allowing meself to be compromised like this for a two whole months, lying right next to bed bugs. I should have heeded the few I spotted already and thrown the darn thing away. This shows how inhuman Mr Psycho is. I am going to move, that is for sure.

Like with all the employers I had. For example Mr He-Ape and his family members. You can smell evil whenever you come across it. It was an economic imperative over human rights and human conditions. And I spotted a rat at the men's club too.

Religion to this family isn't about praying for goodwill, peace and humanity. It is more likely to be praying for riches. That is what religion has been reduced to in most cases anyway. Isn't a visit to a temple or church about asking for divine help in businesses or striking the lottery?

I am seriously thinking that I cannot have someone who had a traumatic childhood, indigent and so on. I need someone who has had a good and loving family environment. I am not sure what lurks or is left behind in kids who were abused in one way or another. Mr Psycho is obviously one example. Resident Evil. I will not be anywhere near him.

I keep bumping into evil. All these people are shitasses. Gay men who marry. Gay men who don't. Women, single or married. The whole fucking lot. This will be what "civilisation" has wrought upon us.

I did not exactly had a good family life either. Watching violence at home with mom, bro and my mute sister. I wetted the bed which shows how insecure I was. You must understand why I have to leave home and cut off all ties and to start my own life with someone else. This is important to me. Listening to all the bad advice, gripes and ill intentions on all quarters.

Now if sister cannot see it for herself, I wonder who can. My first brother-in-law was obviously gay. I just know it . He just had to marry to conform to his family's wishes and to have a wife to look after the farm in Malaysia. The marriage was never consummated. So sis became sorta of a maid-servant.

Speaking of maids, I see plenty here around the estate. They congregate to commiserate. I personally acknowledge one of them and whenever I ask how she is, I can tell from her expression that all isn't well.

I will have nothing to do with any immigrant, especially Chinese National women. Nor those Chinese National tenants I have had. Kids from rich families whose fathers want them to live independently and some are just forced here to fend for themselves. Whip, whack and smack all their lives - the Chinese way of disciplining (for really bad cases, maybe it might work once in a while but seriously mild cases can be dealt with in a better way). Girls who are here for other reasons. China men with the "traditional" thinking.

I have enough problems of my own and I just wanna lead a stable and loving life my way with my loved ones. That is all. Period.

A little about the upcoming GE. My Gosh! It is a walkover at my constituency! That means I don't get to vote.....again! And wait did MM Lee say the opposition were street fighters, hooligans, etc, etc and to be treated thus. Now I thought he was a bit of a thug too, according to the old colonial masters.

And wait, was the panel discussion members rude to him? I did not watch the telecast. But how about JBJ or the pilot who were quizzed and pounced on by so many of his gang . Is that fair or just plain bullying? So many against one? Remember the baptism of fire? Or the round table firing where the few pilots face an overwhelming majority?

And you wanna call this home when groups of us are oppressed. Gays for example. How different are we from anyone? When you prick us, do we not bleed? When you hurt us, do we not cry? (Merchant of venice)

Just like Mr Psycho. He is such a sissy fart, can't handle things and asks for reinforcement from friends and family. If he wants to turn around and say I did the same with this China boy tenant, I had to call in my sis and bro because he was hitting himself on the head. And he is highly suspect too coming from the same commercial school of a previous China boy tenant (remember M/s Wicked Stepmother and Daryl Chan).

And wait people are not animals or things to be "handled". They are individuals with feelings, thoughts and so on who may let you "handle" them for a while but if they know they have been had, I don't think this will go on. Remember he will temporarily let you "handle" him but he will strike back the moment he can. So much for "handling".

It is what you do. Treating fairly and justly that will win their trust and confidence. They will know sooner than later what your intentions are - good or bad. All dynasties come to an end. Please remember that too.

And I did mention about the mirroring technique when handling particularly bad or mild "disciplinary" problems among students. Like now at the LAN shop, I turn on the volume loud most of the time, so students get a taste of their own bitter medicine, to the point some had requested me to tone down.

So please, educators, don't stand there, helpless, sobbing or whatever, fighting a person hardly out of his/her teens? Copy what they do so they can see what they are doing right or wrong. I like aping M/s Black Widow in particular, the way she examines her fingernails close-up and so on.

And please don't always pick on the boys. The girls are equally guilty. It does seem that teachers think all perpetrators of "crimes" are boys.

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