Sunday, April 09, 2006

Uneasy Gay Relationships And Friendships

I will say this again. By not granting gays equal rights in their pursuits of a lovelife and homelife, we are just relegating them to the "slums". That means we are all pathetically hanging around cruising spots. Just witness the cat-and-mouse game and many are not getting any younger. Some are married men as I recognise them to be. Many are into a relatonship (not a bgr but a bbr, get this right! ) and freeing their real sexual libido.

All these younger dudes in school are a feast for the eyes and they have very good communication skills. Not only can they communicate well, the conversational topics are the ones I would chat about too. MR PSYCHO is no more than 5 years older than I am but I can't click in with his chit-chat topics. So too with the old folks and the women, a generation away or so. They are in a different world, stifling, restrictive and uncommunicative at most times. We have different lifestyles too. I am into sports, reading, movies, etc. I do not like Chinese serials or movies very much which is what these people watch all the time on TV.

But I can with the kids, I mean the higher level school going ones not the primary dudes (though I could stoop really low and play with them and talk childish stuff like I would my son). And yes, the English-speaking ones.

What do you expect from an education system that punishes students who are deemed "talkative" when they are really "communicative" and rewards "silence" meaning non-communicative sorts. Yes, I think I bumped into Mark Song, another ex-student. He is still the strong silent type and I remember admiring him when I taught him for his "serious, resolute and very mannish" posturing. We need more of these kind of people leading us. Not the wimpy, mealy-mouthed and frivolous.

It is really hard as I said to reach out to gays in these places. It doesn't seem to be the platform for conversing or friendship, though it may happen if you try hard enough. I mean I don't blame anyone. If I am on my runs at the reserve, it is strictly exercise , relaxation and thinking. Same with my gym workouts. I would rather invite someone out for a drink, meal or outing if I wanna intiate anything.

I must think of "openers" to fire up a chat and some may be really stupid ones. Like I tried asking the time with this dude with a tower clock right behind us. I may not react appropriately or fast enough on that certain day too or even know how to. I mean I don't know what to ask in a public restroom. Perhaps "Hey your fly is showing?" or "That is BIG, wanna show me more?"????

The two really satisfying conversations I had were with a Britisher and an American. We talked about the weather in London with one while I showed part of the trail in the Central Catchment Nature Reserve to the other.

A new "apparently" coupled tenant has just moved in. As I suspected, they, and possibly even the "apparently" coupled Japanese tenant and his Indian girlfriend, are MR PSYCHO's friends. Well, this neophyte certainly mess up the bathroom all right. And I am cleaning after them as I can't particularly stand a dirtied WC.

The WCs at our national sports complex and our reserve are exactly like this. Small, crammed, dirtied and neglected. How can one ever hope to wash up and be "clean".

I am quite tired. But I must just try to seize any opportunity to speak with people whom I am keen on and see if things can go from there. Please pray for me as I "stalk my preys". All I want is just that "MR RIGHT" for me at the end of the rainbow.

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