Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Stung And A Stray Kitten

It was all of a day, that much I would say. The National girls' team is here. Ewwww. Scrawny women. Please, stay home! I know I would. With arms looking like that, who needs bamboo poles? I actually carried my own kayak today and it was pretty heavy stuff. It drizzled again towards the end of my odyssey. Otherwise, I was right under the glare of the blazing sun, intoxicated by the immense expanse of the fresh water and greenery surrounding the water catchment.

I was stung by a wasp (most of us would mindlessly say that we were stung by bees but we could be stung by a lot of other bugs or animals like a scorpion for instance) as I was about to set sail. It was as if it was bidding me bon voyage. It was awfully painful, leaving a bump and red circle with a puncture mark. I even placed my thumb and forefinger between the barbed stinger and the end of what looked like its tangy ovipositor mess and yanked it out. OUCH!

I thought I should just row out anyway and if I pass out in the bow-shaped water catchment area which is about 10 metres deep in the epicentre where the canoeing lanes are, I would just drown in the reservoir and guess what, every Singaporean will have a piece of me for their drinking nourishment. *Smiles.

There were plenty of dead bees in the water too. There must be a hornet's nest somewhere near the canoe sheds and these bees and wasps are following us everywhere, even when I row down the water.

Another running hunk with his running mate. Cool candy! He cycles too! WHOA!

So I thought with the canoeing saga safely out of the way, I could actually reach home in one piece and hunker down to doing some personal stuff. But oh no! Nature had to throw in two animals along my way today!

A stray kitten had crept into the home compound and was warming itself on the underside of MR PSYCHO's mini. It had its eye membrane drawn across its pupil and looked blind. But it was cat flu, a viral infection causing this! I didn't know that. Muddied, dirtied, hoarsely and softly yelping, I couldn't bear to leave it to its dire fate and brought it to the animal hospital/clinic/hotel/pet shop/grooming centre (yeah, it was an all-in-one establishment so much so I had trouble finding the right entrance when I got there).

I had to wait as it was lunch hour. After that, it was just medicine for its flu, eye-drops and anti-biotics. I am going to nurse this kitten back to health and then decide what to do with it.

In fact as I am blogging now, I worry about it being left alone at home. It had grown very attached to me and is snuggling up to me in every way. It would whine the moment I leave it. I only snug out after I was sure it had slept on my mattress.

Ah well, the things life throw up!

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