Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I Bite - Steer Clear

This is the last straw. Meowy shitted on me mattress. This wasn't it. It was then while cleaning out the old fucking mattress that I discovered that it was shitass anyway and at all corners of the mattress were actually hidden the bed bugs, black and white ones, and so many. I immediately took it out to the verandah, intending to sun it but it rained and so it shall remain hung there. PUI! (100x). Well yeah, I socked it to Mr Psycho about this.

I have itched particularly bad the last couple of days and I have no intention of ruining my smooth bod. As it is, I am scratching myself mad, leaving all these red warts on my arms.

Look I am not exactly in a very good mood. I bite. So don't get me irritated. I have already mentioned this loveless life and now this. And the whole fucking bunch of gays I meet at places I lease (I already hate women so what do you expect if I meet women men again)

This reminds me of my sister who had the same problem before with her bed mattress. I can't help wondering if she had then brought this over for my use when I wanted to lease my room. And I do remember thinking how stupid she must have been, putting up with all she had with my second brother-ln-law, first in a rented room and then in a 3 roomer. All the thanks she got was his philandering ways and I distinctly remember accompanying her to the doctor one day where she was diagnosed with genital herpes (now who else could have transmitted this to her?).

Women, I am so sorry, you have yourselves to blame. First seducing others and then having yours seduced in the same way. I just have to speak with a few and men (more women men - wimps) to know who are the evil ones with evil thoughts and intentions. Just like Mr Pyshco. That tenant couple, who is his friend, came in, create a din, mess up the washroom and just yesterday, moved out. This is his way to spite me.

The same can be said of gays too. The slutty whore types who yearn for a fuck (now what is this enjoyment unless it is for your ONE AND ONLY?). In case you wonder if anything ever happened to me in the men's club, all I can say is I had only two thingies happening to me. That was all. I don't think I had such magnetic sexual attractive powers ok?

And I can't really forgive this prodigal sister of mine (don't always think of prodigal sons, people, that is stereotyping) and my mom for advising me to wash off my pimples with rice grains and water. This must be an utter misplacement of my trust in family.

Mr Psycho potters around the "garden" and digs a trench which is filled with water during this very wet monsoon season and this cesspool attracts mosquitoes.

Remember what I said about discovering things for yourself and not allowing anyone to color or influence you in anyway. Well, it was the same thing with the canoe excursion I had too. I mean with my knees bent and legs outstretched, I wasn't exactly comfortable. This, together with my carrying of the canoe, must have aggravated my lower back because I had this really bad pain over the next few days. When I crossed my legs, ah, that was really comfy.

As for the mountain bike, not only was that shop offering theirs at a ridiculously exorbitant price, the retailer wasn't exactly helpful or friendly. Definitely not buying from this shop. I will take my money where I can be assured of better support.

Even in the education system, sadists abound. Just speak with a couple of students and they will relate stories of evil deeds pepetrated by teachers. Like the pinching nipples one. (suppose we reverse this and allow male teachers to do the same with female students - how's that?).

Or those teachers who wanna "build character". I suggest we build theirs first, imbibed them with more concern, compassion and care for their really needy charges. Of course the "bad apples" can be dealt with in the usual way but are they really bad apples (as in vindictive) or just plain mischievous, fun-loving and so on at this age? Can we differentiate the two?

Speaking with educators, mostly women and some men ( the women men really), I realise this since Day 1.It is really the teachers who are vindictive who wanna hit back for one reason or another, perhaps this stemming from their own unhappiness with the management, unable to cope with their daily living as with kids, etc (all the way to the top).

They do seem sadistic, standing by and allowing the students to suffer for no real good reason. I think people remember one kind act better than they do a hundred punitive punishment.

And do not second guess what I am thinking or feeling. Hear it from the horse's mouth instead, ok.

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