Friday, April 07, 2006

I Am Shipwrecked!!!

To think that these two places were among the last on my itinerary. What great surprises they held for me! It had spring baths, water slides (the BIG SPLASH and Mitsokoshi Garden of old) and wave pools simulated choppy waters, crashing white waves which sweep you off your feet and one had jet-srays spouting rain. I can imagine the TITANIC or any sea tragedy where the victims are clinging to flotsam or their buoys for their lives, gulping down sea water, bracing themselves against the swirling waves and torrential downpour. It must be cold, really really cold.

It is really not easy trying to strike up a conversation with people I meet at various places. Some I could talk to but somehow I didn't get to ask for their contacts as I was wondering if it was appropriate and I was turned down once too. In fact I got rebuffed a few times. People are just not into conversing, initiating a friendship and keeping it. Even those I have met for a meal are not really getting back to me. It doesn't help that in some public places we had posters warning against thieves doing what I do to distract their victims and then steal their valuables. Now is that a helpful lot or what?

I am beginning just to tire a little bit and giving up hope. I do have needs too, physical and emotional ones. Yes there are familiar faces. I do recognise quite a few. Dunman High dude (now in Raffles?) , please don't take offence at me for requesting you to take off your smelly socks when we have sex! I mean I can't do it with you with socks smelling like that, can I?

There were cute dudes galore, especially the school-going ones. The ones who do sports and athletics. I just couldn't pluck enough courage to ask for their contact or it just didn't come out or it didn't come soon enough. Or I was slow that day. Whatever reasons. These were all the missed connections!

Perhaps I am beginning to understand Daryl's or Dwayne's blogs about insects and little creatures invading their homes. My room has seen bugs of all kinds, big ones and small ones. I just hope nothing else too venomous comes slithering along and I am sleeping on the mattress now! YIKES! Just a thought.

And yes, the word "rock" can be so misleading. I mean it can be an earthy rock or a mineral rock so we have to be extra judicious in its use!

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