Friday, April 14, 2006


Well well well. A well-known grooming and image consultancy is just round the corner where I live. It even has another branch in town. This is "THE ONE" that was featured on TV!

All those hunks at the reserve are still at it! I just drool, drool and drool! I just wanna wake up in the morning with a hard bod ( a man's!) beside me and smooching him to death!

Observing the kayakists (I think we have got "canoes and kayaks" all wrong here people) at the reserve, I have come to several conclusions. The menfolk (boyfolk) are swift, strong rowers with their musculatured style. The womenfolk (girlfolk) lag so far behind in power, stride and form and most are scrawny rowers. It was an eyeful watching the guys power their way in the water yet gracefully gliding and swerving round the floats. I am gonna do kayaking next people!

Now dont get me wrong. I think a little competition is good of course to get us fired up and motivated. But there should be fun and leisure time too like I see at the pools where the dudes play a bout of abridged water polo besides their formalised swimming instructions . And yes there were troops of learner gal swimmers at one particular pool. I didn't see any dudes at all and well the trainers were really puffed up old hags where one's vocabulary was limited to "Circle, swim, kick" or something like that. A golfer was taunting me for me slow jog. Look here MR GOLFER, when there is competition, watch me fly! Otherwise I am just enjoying my leisurely run!

So many things have happened in my life, I don't even know where to begin to blog. Like I am now a member of some men's club. You should have seen the first day I walked into the club. It was birthday suit day! WHOA! But I guess it was a case of diminishing marginal returns, what with a packed-like-sardines place and too much of a good thing can be mind-boggling! It is silly to see grown men standing outside rooms like that and move, move, move (did the teachers make the kids do this back in school and now it has become an ingrained habit?). Glory holes, peepholes and see through displays! And that dark mirrored maze had be banging into my reflection and apologizing for it! HA HA HA!The dark rooms were fully equipped too! NEAT AND COOL!

So I stood around with downcast eyes, a forlorn kinda look which was really a signal for "TAKE ME YOU FUCK". It was a straight kinda stare at the dark room. HINT HINT!

Sigh these dudes should just strike up a friendship and relationship and go from there! Rather than splatter all over such a big pool! Too many people and I can't focus, target and get high like this!

BACK TO NARURE was a flesh parade! I am nowhere near their toned bods! And huge appendages! I wasn't properly orientated to the surroundings and wearing this pair of contact lenses didn't help either. I don't think the spherical lenses are helping me any bit though my astig is really mild. Vision and motor-sensory is so bad. I should go for customised aspherical or toric lenses me think!

Now how did I ever got myself into such an uncompromising situation! I can't believe I did! I am going to keep mumb over this and I don't think I am gonna repeat it or long for it like some people do! I must have been dazed for some time afterwards and trying to sort out my feelings and thoughts! Stone dead! Not gonna happen again except for my SPECIAL ONE! And THIS WAS MY FIRST FULL ****!

Dude, whoever you were, it was excruciating pain and don't blame me for not being in an exactly aroused state! FUCK YOU too! :) I had a slimy and sore feeling after that. Sorta slippery kind. It was just pain pain pain! Now who would enjoy that? Some masochist? Now I wanna do the same thing to someone else too like I did with some other guys before! FUCK YOU ALL!

Ok ok ok. The primary reason I don't get to see flying lemurs must be because I am running now and I don't look up as much as I look down. Even on my nature walks formerly, I couldn't spot any. Flying lemur, appear before thy eyes!

Just one morning after a heavy downpour, there were felled trees blocking my running path. I thought I could just go round this but I was so wrong! That cut through the forest led me to no man's land! It was a bad thing I did not heed an earlier advice by a passing jogger to avoid that trail It was a good thing the NATIONAL PARKS BOARD had people with chainsaws hacking through the thicket which I could hear and thus head towards their direction. I was already on a 911 call and I did spot a police patrol later on, perhaps a search party of sort for moi?

I mean I was sweaty , dripping wet and my glasses compounded it all with its fogged up and misty lenses. The twigs were like hooks which caught on to my running singlet and shorts , pulling me back and stopping me dead in my tracks as I tried untangling the mess. Worse, I held on to trunks impregnated with little black thorns which stuck into my palm and fingers. I spent some time after that, using moi's nail clippers to clip them out at home. YIKES! I didn't know the reserve can be so treacherous if one isn't alert and ready for its little twists and turns! RUNNERS, HIKERS BEWARE! You have been forewarned!

I wished I could blog more but I can't. Time is almost up!

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