Sunday, April 16, 2006

What A Sunday Morning!

Did I mention I yawned several times as well while I stood outside the dark rooms? I didn't? Well there you go, that shows how bored I was! I promised myself I am gonna get hornier each time I visit the man's club! All I want is just that RIGHT MAN or boy! Here is a little prayer:

"O lord,
Is it so wrong that thee pray
For a man (boy) with a good heart, some brains, good looks (doesn't have to be
super model), good bod (no need washboard), communicative in the English language,
can reason well and above all, can live in with me and is committed.
I see so many around me but I can't reach out,
Can you advise or help?"

Yipee! I am running round the reserve in just 1 hour now and that is about a 10km route.When I first started, it was 3 hours walking, then 2 hours running and walking and now just 1 hour pure running high!

Oh and did I also mention I have uncovered the names of most of the bugs which have come visiting me room? There was a squash bug (also known as stink bug) and the ubiquitous leaf beetle (or garden chafer). All I do to rid the room of them is to pluck off a tissue and wrap it round them like a cocoon and just flush them down somewhere, anywhere.

Oh yes, the room has paint peeling off and the ceiling has little concrete pieces spalling and landing right smack on my mattress or floor. PUI! This whole place could be going to the dogs for all the cats in the world who care!

So it must really be the pair of sandals I bought the last time that caused my "downfall". Remember my replacement. Well this pair was just a couple of months old too but its strap holding it together actually went to bits. The cobbler had to glue and stitch it back. What does this prove? Don't ever buy this brand.

Whoa, what a line-up for the GE! All with glowing credentials like some CEOs of some companies! But are they really really representing my interests now as a John Doe with very little voice and say?

Met a couple of dudes. One was as hilarious as the next actor in MediaCorps while the other was a straight-talking no-nonsense sexy dude. I like both for what they are and what they represent! No mealy-mouthed FUCKING ASSHOLE BASTARDS like the ones I meet in the education system, businesses, the gay and political world and everywhere. Both men and women.

And I do really really hate people who think they can read my thoughts and feelings and in so doing, try to put words in my mouth. Mr Psycho is one of them. He is certainly a spiteful and evil fuck. He will get his just desserts, not from me but from people outside his circle who will sooner than later know what he is made of.

Look what do you expect from someone who spells deposit as "dispotsit". It says all. The more we have people like him who are perhaps economically and materially well-off in control, this whole place is going to fucks.

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