Sunday, April 16, 2006

Bonus Blog

Ok ok ok. So you think the tree that fell was a twiggy one. No siree! It was a huge fat trunky one with branches, leaves and all. So there! This morning there was a twiggy one that I could just step on and go. No problem here.

I am sick of staying "home" all the time now. Not that there are stuff to do at "home" except to read. No computer. No music. No television. Nothing.

At first it was Mr Pyscho's incessant chattering about a whole list of stuff in the past that is history. Now it is putting up with this "couple" and having to watch their antics of sort. Look, why don't I bring my boyfriend home and have sex on the couch right in front of you and see how you like it.... You mean we gays have to watch you two have a good time and we are suppose to grin and bear it? FUCK YOU!

If all the married couples are so happy (at least on show), why do some still hang out at places, gay or straight? Have we seen how they are like in private life?

Now if this couple ain't Mr Psycho's emissaries, then GOD must be fucking dead! It must be his way of hitting out at me (after I gave him a good piece of my mind and called him names too one fine day) and who would be so brave to do the things they do around the house if they were not close friends of Mr Psycho.

A blogger rightly thought that the issues of racial riots and the war were not worth harping on so much now for the coming GE. I mean these issues have to be brought up to remind everyone now and then and we have done so, haven't we, in our schools and in the media and in some public speeches.

But the present and the future is fraught with many issues, in no small respect due to our policies, which have to be sorted out. I don't think anyone who wants to contribute meangingfully to political, economic or social life in Singapore need to be in the spotlight to be in parliament or something. Perhaps there could be external consultants who could debate with and contribute to understanding, examining (or re-examining) issues of the day with parliamentarians, bringing forth their observations at the ground, their personal experiences, their interaction with the general public at large, etc.

These are people who somehow are not on anyone's radar screen. Like this poor woman sitting right at the junction amidst heavy traffic on a two-lane road outside SEIYU, Bugis. How can someone be in such dire straits without anyone doing something for her? Things that some may not see or choose not to see.

If I hadn't mentioned it, I will certainly mention it now. Many of these stuff (meaning thy good policies, rules, regulations, governance, etc) to me, are not well reasoned, not logical and make no sense. Period.

Wait. You mean we vote you guys in so you could make our lives miserable and unbearable with all the nonsensical and stupid stuff? What a fucking joke! And it isn't any better at the employing level. All those stupid, man-made, self-imposed nonsense we all make ourselves do! Double cheebye fuck.

As I mentioned to someone, I think it is really crazy to pick on young kids at that sensitive, growing age particularly on their appearance. Any kid would rebel. I would! It seems they must all look the same - uniform. Define what are and what aren't disciplinary offences.

All those drinks' vending machines at the reserve ain't working at all. Sometimes I put in my cashcard, it processes and I can make a selection.Sometimes it is an invalid card. The coin-operated ones swallowed up about $3.20 worth of my coins without dispensing a single drop of drink to quench my thirst.

Ok ok ok. So there are complaints about moi making too much noise at the LAN shop, especially with my speakers on full blast playing rock pop music. Hey, what about hearing your vulgarities and you making a din in school! Same thing too dudes!

Get the reasoning? Chee bye fuck! I suspect it is more the operator himself who complained. He seems like a sissy-ass too hanging around a girl as a prop.

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