Saturday, April 01, 2006

Re-Discovering Singapore

Well what a fucking rude China woman manning this popiah counter at the Longhouse!She will not sell one roll and put it very bitchily too! The fucking bitch! I gave her the cold hard stare and she has a fucking bitchy daughter too!

Oh yes! Add politicians to my list of bumpers! I bumped into quite a few and yes professionals like architects, etc.

Yes I am beginning to speak with Chui Hong, my ex-JC matie.She is now a home-maker, lives near me, has a son and been away from Singapore for a long time. We chatted about our former JC life and I wondered aloud what happened to some of the JC tutors and lecturers, though I had seen the canoe teacher and some canoeist dudes.

I guess I didnt really enjoy canoeing in JC because it was so regimented and we were probably gearing up for some competition or something. But I had relished the leisurely , exercisy excursions at the East Coast, canoeing my heart out at sea, enjoying the breeze, sun, sand , sea and yet getting a good workout.

It is the same with the runs now at the reserve, leisurely, within my means, so unlike the blind ragy annual X-country we do in school! I have observed how some schools do their X-country and it is always getting ready at the starting line, a flag-off (sound of a horn or something) and the kids just charge ahead. Reminds me of the raging bull at a Spanish event who jumped up onto the grandstand and stampeded some of the audience! Pure blind rage! Unseeing and unthinking. They certainly miss out a chance on observing and learning about nature.

It is the same with people dispensing ill advice on exercise frequency and so on. I mean I listen to my body more than anything else. It is true that in the beginning I ran and gym almost everyday because I want to condition myself and I felt up to it. Now that I lost 5kg and feel fitter and better, I can ease off and reschedule.When I am tired, I just dont exercise.

I would rather you tell me how I can make more money so I can own my next place, plan for retirement, have money to spend in my old age and now, how I can adopt a son and an introduction to a good boy or man! In short, give me the solution to my financial enrichment and enhancement and love and family life? No point harping on stuff of yore! After all this is what we are built on, right?

This place has a few units in the valley part having basement units. Imagine my surprise when I look in and notice the houses go down! Some of the residents living in my part of the estate are blue-collared as evidenced by the trucks they drive besides the cars they own.

My financial portfolio is keeping me on life's edge. Just as I move away from one counter, its price rises enough ticks to earn me some good profit. In fact if not for the brokerage bumble, I would have made $10K on just this one bid and which was my very first. Fuck you and I do need the money for all the things I wanna do! There is also a deadline after which I cant be on the roll anymore! KNNCCB!

I am not owning the house I stay in and it is a fabulous place really. I dream of the stuff I would do to it. Full length ceiling to floor glass windows and doors. No shingled roofs but a roofed garden with a fish pond, sauna , jacuzzi and attic. A contemporary and modern look. Looking like a loft. An extension of the whole place, vertically 3 1/2 floors and horizontally. Off with the rectangular stairway which eats into the space, to be replaced by a spiral one. This will open up the living and dining areas. An open concept kitchen and bathroom with space for barbecue, al-fresco dining and laundry.

By the way my bedroom is now a kitchenette where I store my food such as bread, milo, powdered milk, oranges and apples. I should be doing this in the fridge but it is such a dreadful dwarf ( about 1.5 m or so) and it is dirty and slimy, always bloodied and filled.The whole kitchen is splattered with paint, hair (yes MR PSYCHO does his haircuts here), grime and spall. YUCKS! And yes I just squashed two, what I suspect to be body lices! DOUBLE YUCKS! Either the mattress is harbouring them or the whole place is swarming with them! CB YUCKS!

In a way, I am re-discovering Singapore. Places I have never visited and the bus rides are an eye-opener. I also have to plan for trips which can interconnect one to another. Sometimes, it is bus2bus2bus or bus2mrt2bus. It is great fun! I get to observe an amazing variety in which some places operate.

Oh yes and these places brought me in contact with people who tell me things I never heard of. Like this dude who juzt finished Os and can't seem to get any financial assitance to further his studies (he doesn't qualify for bursaries and scholarships). And yes my alma mater has a mad woman who pinches boys' nipples if they misbehave (I have spoken with this woman before and I don't like her one bit - she thinks I am arrogant when she looks far far worse and discriminatory - she only likes the academically-better students - according to people who told me). YUCKS! MOE allows this? The school allows this? I would have given her the sack long time ago.

As I sit in here at a LAN shop with all the DOTA kings dotaing away, I am turning on my radio playing pop music at full blast! AND I AM ENJOYINMG EVERY MINUTE OF IT!

Right more blogs maybe soon?

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