Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Night Out, Moving Again And The Hustings

It was a night out to a gay club. I got a Filipino dude for company. We got there early and he left early for whatever reasons. After not replying to a couple of my texts, I decided my first night out at a gay club shouldn't be ruined. A Malaysian dude sat next to me and we chatted but he wouldn't want to exchange numbers and we can't exactly chat in a club with loud music going on. Thinking we could dance where we were, I was so dead wrong as dancing can only be had on the dance floor - not exactly the National Stadium floor space. So I decided I should just enjoy my night out, with or without company. And dance I did. The beats were pulsating and rock. I dance whatever I felt to be appropriate to the tempo. Limbs wailing, hips gyrating and head swirling, IT WAS SUCH AN ENJOYABLE NIGHT!!! Some guys were shirtless , some held their partners' hands, they hugged and smooched. It was beautiful!!! I wanted to move away but the music only got rockier and I stayed on till 3am before calling it a night. A young dude was trailing behind me in my efforts to flag down a cab but one drove right out from a back lane and he hopped on to it. WHAT A SHITASS! We could have been acquainted.

On the eve of May Day, I slept in. Mr Psycho stayed on with me. As I was about to go out and grab dinner, he actually asked me to move by midnight. After some yelling and vulgarities hurled his way, I went out to get dinner anyway and decided to garner some support for the hideous crime he committed against moi with the bed bugs thingy. So I got round to talking to the neighbours and the CC's staff. I was glad some were really supportive and understanding.

I managed to get a room in the nick of time. After the stroke of midnight (ala Cinderella), I packed my stuff, let Meowy go (I am so sorry but his eye is healing quite well and he is strong enough) and left for my new home. I was glad Daniel actually came down in the middle of the night to help me with the baggage. In return, I mopped up his place and wiped the tables. I bought a toilet brush to scrub the toilet bowl, biscuits, table wipes, sold his old newspapers for him, got a free printer from the rags-and-bones man, just to show my appreciation.

And it was two very restful days. I finally got to sleep on a proper bed with a proper clean mattress and my back really needed that, after all that sleeping on the floor and so on. The place is in really superb condition. And to reward myself, I actually offered to pay for the utilities (so I can watch TV -especially the hustings - and enjoy the air-conditioner).

Now James Gomez is my junior in my secondary school. I remember him as a scrawny kinda fella, very quiet as far as I can remember , those big doley eyes and tight school uniform shorts. I have never expected to see him give such a powerful and stirring speech. How people change. So don't ever ignore who you think is that stupid ass or that quiet fella sitting in the corner. He is probably someone deep in thoughts and watching everyone else. What they do - is it right or wrong, etc. The other candidate who impressed me was this Kumar lady from the SDA, I think. She was very eloquent.

Well I am gonna be glued to the hustings, I am not sure about you.

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