Thursday, May 11, 2006

Will My Prayer Be Answered?

Just so you have a feel of how really really really inconvenient transport is, this is how transfers look like: lrt-mrt-bus-bus. And this is only one-way enroute to my destination. There is a free shuttle to a mrt station which somehow doesn't wanna pick me up even though I distinctly saw a senior citizen boarding one.

GEEEZ. This place is ulu. It is a "family" place with married couples and their kids. Or just couples. PUI.

It is also densely congested at the train stations, almost always jam-packed. It was like not too long ago when I rode the NEL that it was a leisurely and quiet affair. Not anymore. I think the bus rides at my former location are so much emptier and pleasurable.

Speaking of which, I sorely miss the "famous" roti prata stall where I sit walloping assorted-flavor roti pratas while sipping teh tarik, the walks and runs at the reserve (although I am sure the terrain isn't gonna be kind to my knees, foot and back in the long run), the sports, the LAN shop/s, the mall, the eateries and yes the canoe hunks. And the quietitude of the place where I stay. The buses that go everywhere except the east.

So it is true. I trained really hard today and I have no problems with me back or whatever. Seems like if I am on the go , I don't feel pain. Maybe I am a cyborg?

I am making the rounds of all the gyms and WOW, the gym equipment are all so different and they work your muscles really well. Of course, the hunks are different too. *Ogle. And the girls. EWWWW (1000x). Grotesque!

I wasn't myself yesterday. I must be under a lot of strain physically and emotionally. And the strain shows up on my face. I was frowning and couldn't smile as much. Especially since I am still without a beau!!! SOB (100x). So when this guy boarded the train with his gf and his work bag kept poking into my rumps, I really wanted to caution him to steer clear of my personal butt space.

ME: Hey buddy! That is my butt hole your bag is poking into! What do you think you are trying to do? Dig a burrow for beavers?

I think I need help. I am lovelorn. I need a MAN (or boy). I just wanna hold him tight especially when I am alone in my room at night. Feel his masculine hard bod. Hear him breathe. Feel his erection and mine. Curl my legs around him. Smooch. Connect bodily and emotionally.

O lord, I am oh so horny for a guy! So help me please!

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