Tuesday, September 20, 2005

They Are Everywhere

Do you on some occasions feel that Big Brother is watching you in his not too unsubtle ways? That everyone is conspiring against you? That walls have ears and your private yak and thoughts are somehow reverberating in the room which was originally meant for your eyes only? You can imagine how I feel now at this moment of my life. The Gahmen is after me.

Eversince I started blogging and having "contact" with the outside world, I began to feel eyes moving behind me, on my arse and on my johnny. It was like the Gahmen was despising me, hating me, hounding me even for all the inane remarks and scripting I have been making.

As I walked into the reading room for my morning digest of the daily news, "agents" surreptitiously planted by the state start to strike up conversations with me. They articulate some of my views exactly and seem to know what I am thinking and knowing. They try to suss out information.

On every little path I make my way to, they try to extort, cajole and instigate. I ward and defend as best as I could. I did not want to be caught in any way mouthing anything against the state. That would have been capital death with a capital C, political murder and suicide.

While peeing in the urinals, I had to be careful not to stare too hard and long at the next guy in the other urinal with his pants pulled low and undies gone and a hard dick sticking out, spouting a fountain of wealth. I would have normally reached over and peeked or stretch a hand out to touch. That is now a complete no-no.

I had to maintain a steady, straight ahead gaze, devoid of emotions or feelings.

It was after all an innocuous script I penned about a metaphorical war with a multi-ethnic and multi-national flavor. I didn't know the "authorities" would be perturbed and start to "come after me". If they want me, just say so. I would gladly "submit" myself, ass first for a spank and then perhaps a full frontal rub-down? I just hope it is some gorgeous hunk with big strong hands from the Prisons department doing this. I wouldn't have this any other way.

More sinister were the people who kept cropping up in my life. The litany reads like a who's who list of the rich and famous. I swear they were all joined by red dots forming the exact same picture - a picture of anti-me conspiritorial theory.

They were there where I usually hung out. They were there again when I moved away.I could see them from the deep corner of my eyes. You should see who they were. They are everywhere.

So if someone walk right up to me and asked what I thought of so-and-so in you-know-where, I just smile, pretend I am stupefied and mutter: "Hey! What is your problem? I luv them all. If you don't, you need a psychiatrist."

Doesn't mean if there are some red-necks that a red-neck yankee doodle place we make, right? Right? If you ain't happy, you should just stand up and say so. Download all your trash onto them. Don't go unloading on poor me who is just a modicum of a political awarist.

I just want to get on with my life. Is that so hard to understand? What is with all the political stuff anyway? Doesn't strike any chord with me. Try someone else.

As things are, I am already weary and wary of one and all. I am just having a little fun here scripting and blogging, lay off ok. It is the only outlet for my creative expression. You have a problem with that and you may as well have problems with nuclear proliferation prohibition.

Do you have that same feeling I have? Join the club, brudder - we are being watched!

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