Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Another Different World Order - 2nd Model - Banana Republic

Yes folks. I have figured out yet another way we can all beat the system and come out looking like shoguns of the Tokugawa era. This time it involves the namesake of a tropical fruit - the ubiquitous banana.

As with my first model, I envisage that domestically the free-loading style endures while trans-border exchanges earns foreign exchange.

A banana republic works like this : for foreign exchange earnings, we will have our very own republicans slogging their asses off but for free. What our country produces will be consumed by a foreign country. Example: we make sex toys while Iraq purchases.

We get paid for this in hard-earned foreign-currency equivalent or our local Sing dollars. With this cash hoard, we similarly make our purchases for goods and services we need to make our economy.

Chief among which feature pornographic and building materials, oil, stainless steel rivets and liquid crystal display screens.

The citizenry will be microcosmally involved in this big scheme of things as they are the ones who will be the productive units, much like the worker ants in a colony. The upshot is an intertwined, closely-knit community of people very much into their own elements.

To top it off, we have completely eliminated the sin and root cause of all the evil that has brought on wars and stock market crashes , that transactional means of exchange - money.

We are now operating on a cashless, borderless and invisible force of free enterprise under the cloak of a new world order.

What could be a happier or more astounding world to live in where money no longer rule the roost and our lives?

Voila and I guess I am again harking back to the good old lithic age of our ancient ancestors where earth was Gaia's paradise and Adam's Eden. Wouldn't this be a marvellous frolick in nature once again which it should rightly be?

I am going to detour for a while en route to the New York headquarters of the United Nations.

Shouldn't you pause to ponder and relish the savoury prospects of such a world too?

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