Saturday, September 17, 2005

FANE And NWO Re-Enunciated

When I was a kid, the naturally philosophical me, was so fascinated by moving clouds in the sky, I could spend a better part of the day staring into outer space. I did the same with the moon and the stars on a clear summer's night.

When I was tasked to write a poem, it was again the philosophical me taking hold, musing of all the darnations, happenings on the world stage, a versification aptly titled "Why". I had a cut-out of a dreamy girl, leaning on her chin, pasted atop my little masterpiece.

I was intrigued and mystified with the wars going on then, especially the Arab-Jew conflict. It was like almost every other day that you read and hear of a limb or a body blown to bits or something like that in that cross-fire of war. I told myself I was going to make sense of all the world's sagas and I have in most cases and am about to for the Palestine-Israeli conundrum.

I supposed if I had started life this way, I should end this way too. By first questioning and contemplating life's mysteries, so too should I unravel and solve life's complexities.

My form teacher commented that it probably wasn't such a swell idea to question too much. He was both right and wrong. He was right in that many of the world's undoings are seemingly unsolvable. He was wrong in that it took questioning to unravel mysteries, crack puzzles and to reinforce the rigors of science through debates.

Socrates, the Sophists, the whole Greco-Roman philosophers took the same route in life. They walked along the beach, saw the heap of animals crawling by, looked up into the stars, moon, sun and clouds and voila, natural philosophy was born. Science followed.

Unfortunately for us, we have reached the stage of our "progress" where we are saddled and limping along with our own self-imposed encumbrances and burdens. If we had been smarter and only stuck to seeking ourselves from whence we came, we would have been right on track. But oh no, we had to complicate and complexify things.

Reading into how the world today is divided along so many civilisational, economic and political fault lines, and how if we don't kill ourselves inter-civilisationally, economically or environmentally first before God steps in, I can only have one prognosis - and that is to go the way of the Free and Natural Economy and the New World Order.

The FANE as its name suggests, returns the freedom and power to man again as it did with his Stoneman prehistoric ancestors. It allows man to live freely and naturally as he did, 99% of his time here on planet earth.

FANE eliminates the twin axes of evil, that of currency and nature-destruction. It is a free and natural economy. It is only so when money as currency and thus the root of all evil is done away with. It is natural when we produce and live in harmony with nature, not encroaching and destroying it.

The NWO does not define man religiously, linguistically, nationally nor does it racially, sexly or economically segregate. Every man is one - a person, an individual, a human being, a homo-sapien. We base our relationships on one sole measure of man and that is man himself - not his religion, race, nationality, language, gender, education, wealth or political beliefs. This is so like our prehistorical ancestry. We can keep the clothes on our back if we still want to.

There is no hate, no discrimination, no segregation, no strife, no nothing. Everyone is color-blind. We go to school learning everything and nothing. We visit churches, mosques and temples praying to everything and nothing. We form economic and political pacts, pledging allegiance to everything and nothing.

We should have tagged on to a scientific-anthropological finding of our common ancestry Out-Of-Africa. If culturally and religiously we can't connect, we should find the next best thing that binds us and that is our commonality in our human heritage.

Next in line would be the blood-ties and miscegenation we have intertwined our lives among society. Not forgetting our pluralistic manifestation on a micro-level where we could be of one race but of another religion or nationality which should cement us to our tribes just as well.

As if religion, race and language are not divisive enough, the economy is as equally if not more wedge-driving. Thus the FANE takes the sting out of this.

As it is, I have to look back over my shoulders, taking heed of my own unique personal history and so bewaring of the unholy triad of blimps (their baggages of history), bimbs (somehow rift-creating) and wimps (male versions of the bimbs). I just want to work, eat, drink, play, sleep, die and have sex naturally - all the pre-occupations of life that make us humankind.

I do not have to take umbrage at anyone's creed or whatever. Everyone and all is one and nothing. It is that single and simple. I want to be like a child on a blank slate and in a blank state - loving all, fearing nothing and discriminating none.

There is just one essential we need for the NWO to kick in : a self-sufficiency in energy, water, food, raw materials and national defence. How each nation-state is going to achieve this will be very much its technological innovation and ingenuity.

If ever I want to live out my life meaningfully, it will be to articulate the three prime theories of the FANE and NWO, a liberal arts education (which is a kinship of the science, technology and the arts) and the End of Man (the microbes and the arthropods will take over from us).

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