Monday, September 12, 2005

The Free And Natural Economy Revisited

By now I must be a madman by any definition. Charles Darwin was mad. Galileo was mad. So too was our caped crusader. By jingo, they all made a difference.

If you had noticed my earlier blogs where I and I alone spoke to me and me alone, don't be alarmed. Galileo did the same with his Helio-Centros tome in Italian. It is called dialogism where divergent views are presented.

Before I forget, I will like to mention that Albert Einstein had been falsely accused of perpetrating the crime of the nuclear holocaust with his atomic energy equation. I will just like to defend the poor and dead fella by saying that he happened to be one of a long line of people who in the end put two and two together and came up with E=mc2.The Curies and Wilhelm Rontgen all did their little bit too. So did the Manhanttan Project and Emperor Hirohito.

And yes I forgot to mention that we imported the American business model and economy, right along Hollywood and McDonalds. So too we went along with the roller-coaster. When it hit high, we went high. When it hit low, we slumped as well.

Busily buzzing in my head are voices telling me that I am so mad with ever propounding a free and natural economy that I should subject myself to castration so my wild oats can never ever be seeded.

This "inner voice" incidentally reminded me of many similar episodes in history where movers and shakers heard voices. If this isn't hallucination, then what is? George Bush riding a tricycle and doing an acrobatic stunt? Some voice hearers included Joan of Arc and Moses.

These critical voices, probably lisping as well, could typically belong to the female gender. But as phantasmic virtuality, I cannot precisely detect electromagnetic dopples to confirm their entities.

Anyway here goes some of those inner critiques:

Critique 1: Oh. Fiddlesticks. You ain't seriously suggesting that we could ever do away with money as a tangible currency for our exchanges now, can you? You are either off your rockers or I am stuck in an elevator, claustrophobic and trembling.

Answer: Look lady. Just because you are stuck in an elevator with thirteen other hot dudes with sweaty palms and big groins, doesn't mean you can take it out on me and swear to God you are saner than Idi Amin. History has shown that we did without money for a greater part of our lives. We even had cowry shells and the whole other works as media of exchanges. So please, lighten up!

Critique 2: How on earth are we ever gonna get used to not having money? I mean we need it as physically as we need sex, ain't we?

Answer: Our trade cycle has gone on naturally as it has for some time now. All I am suggesting is that we ain't gonna miss a beat even if we took money out of the entire cycle of trade. We ain't gonna miss it as much as we ain't gonna miss cockroaches or mice as food. We will just go on as usual.

Critique 3: Now how is that possible in the light of our account keeping and the need for adjustment to year on year price fluctuation?

Answer: Good question. I am glad you asked. Nobody usually does which shows the state of cryogenesis we all are in our current conditions of living. We can do it mentally in our heads like we do when we do mental calculation. We can take a base year, say 2006, fixed all our transactional prices as that and our trading cycle doesn't skip a step at all. It goes on and on, perpetually. The only difference is we don't see money anymore. We keep our balances in our heads or if we prefer on paper.And guess what? No more inflation, deflation and stagflation. We will buy and sell as we always do. Money has become defunct, valueless and meaningless. If you are hoarding hard cash now, you might as well burn them up as hell money for offerings to your ancestors. Because when the free and natural economy kicks in, we only have money exchange as a product of our imagination. Just as color is a product of light and vision. In other words, a figment of our mind, an illusion, a virtuality. Do you get it?

How's that for quashing critical critiques and skepticism. I hope you are convinced. If you ain't, just brace yourself for becoming as extinct as Papa Joe and his 8 incher dildo.

Neil Armstrong and Oprah Winfrey have shown the way. There were all round disbelief and incredulity when moon exploration and black women making it big were realities as real as wanking six times a day.

Trust me. The free and natural economy will see the light of day as soon as the dickheads controlling the world wake up one morning to find that Hurricane Katrina has blown their roofs off their houses.

That is when they will shuffle to the washroom, stare themselves silly in the mirror and wished they had heeded the seminal signposts earlier.

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