Monday, September 19, 2005

Get Real!

After having read my blogs, you must think I am a weeping willow of sorts. I did weep for a number of people and on a few occasions as you care to recall. If you have a prickly problem with that, I suggest you dunk your gonads in sulphuric acid. That way they taste sour and anyone wishing to have a bite out of them will want to think twice.

And all that jazz about articulating the FANE and NWO are I suppose in a realist's lingo, just pure whimsical fancy and wishful thinking. Knowing how the UN is in its rather ineffectual way, I may do better selling someone's testicles for food on the streets of Uighur.

I think the whole world must have heard of my insane suggestion. I just have this queasy feeling whenver I am in public places that people are watching me and laughing behind my back. Worse, I fear I may be watched by the Gahmen and Interpol, for whatever they are worth.

Bimbo A: Hey look! Isn't that the author of the FANE and NWO thingtummy sitting in the corner, bimboting? Hey Mr FANE and NWO, I will have you know you had me in stitches reading your sci-fi stuff on the new world order (at this juncture, M/s Bimbo breaks into a bimbotic laugh herself)

That swine! I swear I would have stood up, flashed my dick at her (not a very pretty sight) and cuss her navel to its eternal damnation.

Today, I was like sprawling myself on the sofa and what do you know, three replicas of the "blimp,bimb and wimp" (BBW, not BBQ as in skewered chicken rumps on a grill ....muahahahahah...get it? You don't? You silly comatose wit of a slut you! Get a brain transplant. Seriously it helps and then some....muahahaha ) of an earlier blog appeared before me, squarely facing me in the opposite bench. They were symbolic on the one hand and admonishing on the other. Talk about recurring nightmare! Even Freddy Kruger couldn't have scared the living daylights out of Shirley Temple.

I was happily chomping on a McDonald's gorgeous Grilled Chicken Foldover (how I wished they make all chickens that way - fold over) when people of all mannerisms kept popping up like cats on heat. It was like I was attracting a horde of horny dudes waiting to have a go at me. They just couldn't wait their turn. Don't they know I have a long waiting list with names from Ali Ahmad to Zul Brzenick?

A couple of delectable wimps and not so delicious bimbs, giggled over our popular local magazine, ogling, as it were, of all things, Adam Chen. A SAFSA rugby dude was so tanned and manly, I swear I could have jumped up and hugged him to death, smothering him with my hot lips.

A few groups of yummy school-going teeny-boopers were showing off their hair, dye , studs and attitude, with hot looks to boot. Hmmmm, just ripe for the taking......Wonder if it would taste as crispy though?

What a feast for the wimpy eyes I had! I was like masticating food and burped a few times when indigestibility hit me in the ileum as parade after parade of hunks, chunks and bunks passed me by. I was like the Yellow Emperor in his harlem of tempestuous harlots, choking on his semenic vomit, yet not willing to slurp up "Kaolin" (no colored or structural allegorical references here, if you do imagine it, it is just yours, not mine) to cure myself of the "disease".

One was slim and curvaceously muscled, with Japanese manga hair and a slight goatee
turf to accentuate his pop-star look and accentuated body clad in body-hugging tights. His glazed looks bowl you over because you imagine him to be a soft, cuddly and subservient play toy!

At the train tracks, a rippling muscular dude was temptatiously tantalising me with his brooding good looks and bulging biceps. I had an erection just sitting next to him, whiffing up his intoxicating breath and seductive chunk of a hunk stature.

I was thinking up a few pick-up-go-home-and-wham lines like:

Me: Excuse me! Your fly is sticking out. You need help....

Me: Dude, hi..I am from China. I like your looks, muscles and that seriously bulging whopper of your manhood. Care to ****?

Me: Do you have change for my fare? You don't? Ok why dont I ride on you and we go home to my place? I could always return you your fare there?

God, I wished I could bed one and have hot sweltering sex with him.


Amon said...

Oh NO! YOu are a horny bastard! Wanna tango? mmmmm.yum yum

Amon said...

Hey I am 6 foot 2, have a 32-32-34 stats and a 8 inch bazooker. Are you juz looking for action or r u juz looking for a lay?

Amon said...

Oh you must be my SAVIOR then. I m looking for both. Up the ass and on yr's tat for a start? Wet?

Amon said...

Ar.Ooo.Ar..tat feels os effing good.! goD! up and down. yeah..u slut!