Friday, September 30, 2005

A Blog About Nothing And Everything

What a silly title for a blog right? Well, that is only half the story. It is just that I have no unifying theme for this blog. I thought I will just blog about all the little snippets of life as I remember and experience them.

First things first. I thought I should just clarify that all blimps possess experiences worth our listen especially if it is pertinent and up-to-date with our situation. Nonetheless, do not guillibly take all in without your own filter lenses and analyses. Some just exaggerate and make it seems like they know more than they do. Others by sheer force of their loud personality think they can shove all down your throat and intimidate.

Bimbs too mustn't be lumped as one with all womenfolk. Though I seriously confess to seeing very few of the rational and thinking ones.

Come on. If you are a real man, let us slug this out fist-to-fist one on one.

Just like this blimpo I met at the gymnasium some years ago. Eversince then he has been stalking me for no good reason other than he knew he has lost his reasoning high ground. To start off, he had been a real fucktard to send some of his khakis to test me out. Like scrambling with me on purpose for the gym equipment.

This old fucktard is already someone in his sixties, fat as a blimpo and still thinks he wants to build muscles when all he does is to mass up on his lards. He has an equally fucked up attitude and loud voice to match. He is able to go without a hand towel and hogs the machines by virtue of the fact that he is on good terms with the instructor and does not have to follow certain rules.

He opens his mouth and rubbish spews like trash from the garbage incinerator. Without good facts and reasons, he alleges one and all of misdeeds and misinforms. Any idiot who acts on his words must surely had it. That was when I ticked him off and he wasn't happy at being contradicted and he knew he was wrong.

I am only waiting for the day he kicks the bucket or grows older. Let us see if he is still so "garang". I can imagine him in a wheelchair, sedate and frail with age. That could perhaps be why I rather work with youths who are still malleable and not the aged. Who knows what they did in their youth and this is their karma!

Speaking of which, the whole place run by our very own sports council looks like a concrete bunker in want of more space and better free weights, most of which were rusting and loose in the screws. I am supposed to incur extra cost in purchasing training gloves when this is the responsibility of the gymnasium. I have to wash my own clothes too for christ's sake if the rust were to rub onto my training gear which it does at times.

The entire bunker reeks of smell and rot anyway so if anyone wants to complain about sweaty hygiene, I suggest they should just leave for some place else like I did. After all a gymnasium is for sweating it out and if you have a problem with that, please this is not a spa for cosmeticians. Besides, members in privilege with the instructor can strew weights all over the floor endangering one and all just like a battlefront trooper trying to side step a minefield.

All this blood-shot eyed wimp of an instructor does is sit around, does nothing and gets his monthly ration. No service. No looking after the place. No control with the people whom he unfairly lets off because they are his friends. He epitomises the all brawn but no brains him/bimbo. A real arsehole for sure.

If they have ladies' hour and close the gym to us, then perhaps they can have men's hour too. Or gays' night or hour. What about lesbians' day?

I just realised we have reduced life here to one big place of a retail mall operation. That is all we are now - a retail megamall. If our private schools have to be casetrusted, which incidentally handles other complaints ranging from insurance to maid agencies to misleading advertisements and is our consumers' advocate cum watch-dog, it says only one thing about private education - it is a retail mall operation, no different from a food-court or a hair-dressing shop .

All I can see being transmitted through these and other institutions are hate, violence , hostility. prejudices and rebelliousness. Youths while growing up face challenges in their identities, sense of self and worth. What with all the peer pressure, media pressure, family pressure , work pressure and societal demands at stereotyping!

To have a discipline master/mistress to compound further their frustrations in terms of whacks, nit-pickings, fiery display of authority over trivias other than some form of a good heart-to-heart talk to nip the problem at its bud, is like tying them down with shackles of a cannon-ball. More hate, rebellion and hostility. What goes around comes around.

I know because at this commercial school, I have been accused of many trivias, trivias the bitches were pumping onto me because they were jealous, lazy, incompetent, cutting corners and they were trying to shove their shortcomings onto me. They know they could not match up .

My problem then was I did not fight back. This is what I get for respecting the opposite sex, being a gentleman and deferring to authority. Even if you help out with administration or switch off the air-conditioner(a practice not all do), they accuse you of the opposite and that you are reading private mail when the fact is that it spilled out as I reach for other papers on the shelf.

I say to hell. I will not be that old self again. I am going to fight you with good reasoning. If you have better, I will bow out.

Did they think of me when they broke my rice bowl? Nope. I am going to break yours too if you prove wrong.

Calculative as the world is, I would have done the same when I was served toasted kaya bread with two big holes through the slices. But I didn't. Some people think you cannot differentiate value for your money. I mean they think you can't sense a good haircut, good food or good education. They think they can fool you all the time with their bad service, substandard quality (made up for by hunks, scantily-clad beauty queens, bribes and eats ) and meagre tasteless servings. So what if it is a $10 10-minute haircut or $80 for a 3-in-1 cheapo academic package or $4.50 for a plate of fried rice.

Would you want to be taught in places run by housewives , ex-factory workers , flight attendants and army personnel? You call this a school? Where is the management expertise? We all have to take orders from this motley crew who knows next to nuts about curriculum.

People with no ability or competence who are there manning a place only because they are family. You call this fairness or justice?

I had a scion who is the Directoress of Studies who does not as much utter a word about curriculum as she does about everything else. No audio-tapes for listening comprehension and I have to read the text aloud. No textbooks and I have to photo-copy every single lesson module. They have the manpower resources and the texts were readily available at book stores.

On top of that, we have ridiculous policies formulated by top-notch high flyers I presume who cannot see the impact of the stranglehold on businesses' lifelines or their asinide requirements? One does one thing and someone else picks up the tab. There is no rhyme or reason for legislative needs when this is apparently not in sychronisation with the circumstances.

I seethe with anger as I am one such victim of their callous formulation. You are paid to think through the policies and that is your job, not mine. Why is there so much ridiculous details that I cannot even fathom?

Sometimes when I see "justice" being meted out, it just ain't justice anymore. Like this librarian approaching a girl fingering a guitar and not actually strumming any strings at all and telling her that that is not allowed. It is a classic manifestation of what our eyes are not really seeing. A diabetic aged cannot even have a sip of water on the premises. What about instilling some common sense in judgement or parrying of the rules and regulations when that is necessary?

I can understand with the stresses and pressures (man-made ones usually because we think we are so smart, we come up with all kinds of procedures, practices, rituals and all) going on around us, we are just not relaxed or open enough to see the real truth or situation.

That is why it is important we keep fit and healthy, build on our cognitive and phenomenological senses so we can judge better, see perspicaciously, think swiftly and decide wisely. Otherwise we are going to create many rifts and just one rift can be the proportion of what is happening in the world - the civilisational conflicts.

When I read about the wars between the Palestinians and the Israelis, it seems to be man's making again. This started with the beginning of civilisation 3000BC ago which led consequentially to the uprooting of one land's citizens with the rise of two Western religions and cultures.

To top it all, a 1948 plan screwed up when one overseeing party just washed its hands of its jurisdiction to a peaceful creation and partition of a new state. If only it had stuck with the plan, the people of Palestine/Israel would have a much easier and peaceful retreat.

We should all have stuck with our instinctual nomadic days. To each on his own. No trespassing or encroachment. You go your way and I mine. None of all these gathering together of diverse and different people would have squeezed them into killing each other.

My old neighbors did not place any articles outside our corridor. We may have some minor differences but we lived together almost serenely for more than five years. Although both women were bitchy nosey parkers with one wanting to see the inside of my house and the other displaying a bad sense of propriety when she audaciously asks of my contractor the price of my furniture.

Once the new ones begin placing shoe boxes, it was one article after another. I have to stake my territory as one new neighbor actually has the gall to thrust his all the way up to my doorway.

He has his front door opened almost 18 hours a day with a bawling kid in the hallway which I can hear even with my door closed. I guess they love living the fish-bowl life. They must be showing off to one and all the "fantastic young marriage" they are living. I will give them a few more years before cracks start lining up.

One group dominating over another. What right is it anyway? A cleaning supervisor nit-picking on the work of its cleaners. Some cleaners are just so efficient, I almost choke on my food trying to gobble it down as they hover and clear the trays with lightning speed. Even when I haven't finished my soup or something.

I spilled my drink once when I was "harassed" this way as I try to motion to her that I haven't finished with the sugar cane and was walking away to get some food. Of all days it was a white T-shirt I was wearing and on an important occasion. So it was one huge wash-a-laundry late that night. Thank you very much. Can you help me clean up my clothes as well?

If domination is justifiable, why not. If it isn't, well, may another war loom writ large then. I am just going to learn to give others a taste of their own bitter medicine. Why should I always be the giving-in kind? Everyone is imperfect but when you try to make me worse than your imperfection to the detriment of my livelihood, don't expect me not to retaliate.

By the way, I seriously wonder about the lives of the many "mad" people I see on the streets. I wonder why they have turned out to be like that. Could it be our environment which they have suffered as a consequence of injustices inficted upon them? Well if I ever should go that way, perhaps I will finally have peace of mind.

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