Thursday, September 08, 2005

Inevitable Collapse If New World Order Un-ushered

Francis Fukuyama predicts politically the end model of every nation-state to be a liberal democracy. Samuel Hungtington cautions that culturally, the clash of civilisations lurks possibly in four quarters of the world. Thomas Friedman sees globalisation as the end-point of many a society, turning itself democratic and freely capitalistic. Jared Diamond shows with historical illustrations, environmental collapses of societies around the world.

They are all right to some extent. May I add mine to all these eminent and erudite scholars and thinkers. That is the New World Order of either or both a Banana and/or Free-loading economy.

We have gone from the Cold War to communism to capitalism. Much of which have not worked as perfectly or as close to perfect as it should have. However with the New World Order, one recurring trait will be the unifying power of equal global partners in government, finance and commerce.

As world trends have palpably indicated, the free economy has created wide disparity in incomes and wealth distribution, not only within nation-states but across the globe. Economic growth measured in financial statistics is no indication of social progress. This was as reported by the United Nations Development Program report. Countries still lag in eliminating poverty, infanticide , mortality, health , education and income gaps.

What this means is that the number does not show the whole picture. So all nation states may be liberal democracies, integrated by globalisation but society as a whole has yet to hook on to a slice of the economic growth pie.

The New World Order as I envisioned, if un-ushered fast, will only see the collapse of societies as a whole. Even the developed First World economies who are fast outsourcing and losing their productive capacities to cheaper Third World countries will be struck. Just as the extinct dinosaurs were when a meteorite crashed onto earth hundreds of million years ago, without even knowing what hit them, literally.

The hoi polloi will find themselves in a class struggle against the elites and even between themselves. The aristocrats will be in a no better position as globalisation ensures that no one is insulated against the problems of the world.

It recognises no distinction - young, old, poor, rich, male or female. When its muscled arm flexes, it sweeps all off its path into oblivion and despair.

There will be bitter resentment all round and this translates into many retaliatory measures that everyone may engage in as they fight back against the laissez-faire economy that has left them in no-man's land.

The financial gurus and tycoons will just as surely as the big boys did, shift their commercial funds to growing and developing nations to take advantage of a lower-cost environment and burgeoning economy.

Environmentally we are ravaged . Eco-catastrophe like global warming and loss of natural ecological buffers against climatic disasters loom ever larger in the horizon. We are living in poisoned air, earth and water , eating off un-natural , possibly even toxic man-manufactured and contrived food.

Population explosion , pollution , eutrophication and depleting natural resources will not see the sustainability of earth very much longer.

The only way out will be to impose the New World Order, calling on all nations of the world to call a truce on money as the means of exchange. When one country does, then another follows and once the whole world is plugged into this Banana and Free-loading economy (or Natural Economy) , lo and behold, we have hoisted ourselves out of a trap of a crippling , debilitating and resource-destructive free-capitalist model.

We have to hold back our encroachment of Nature, destroying him and instead learn to work in tandem with his natural cycle of production.

The chain reaction of a natural economy so ignited will see the end of money which being the root of all evil has led us to the state we are now in. In a new world order, we will be returning once again in catarhsis with Earth as it was in the beginning - created for the utility and enjoyment of mankind to eat of its fruits.

Can we turn the hands of the clock back to its original intention and form? Only men of the world can decide and take action for this to happen. We will all die sooner if this natural economy does not take root fast enough.

Citizens of the world unite - this is our only chance of surviving the 21st century amidst our constant attack on our only planet.

Do we all want to live or die? The choice is yours. We can destroy just as we can create.

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