Thursday, September 08, 2005

Man Does Not Live By The Economy Alone

If there ever was one thing we learnt from Hurricane Katrina ravaging New Orleans, it surely has to be this : the free-capitalism model isn't working any more and the economy is the root of all evil.

Man does not live by the economy alone. Otherwise he is not "man" or woman. A flesh-and-blood person such as we are , is made up of more than what the economy defines us to be. This is that inexplicable human touch or humaneness about us that distinguishes us from all other primates on earth.

In my previous blogs, I have advocated two new world orders where fusing the two in some appropriate proportion being a more than fair possibility.

What I am essentially articulating is to go back to our primordal basics, without forgoing any of our current standard or quality of living or consumption. This is made possible with the one and only one axis of evil being obliterated to the abyss of hell - our monetary means of exchange. Flushing right along with it will be the cost of living, inflation, deflation and stagflation.

The Cenozoic era saw the evolution of early hominids (tool grasping and making primates) bipedalling and walking upright. They ate, fed and lived off the land. They died on the land too. From dust you came, so too shall dust you return ( a popular Christian biblical quote ).

This is exactly the living condition I am seriously urging the united nations of the world to embrace with open and welcoming arms.

Of course given the present circumstances we find ourselves in now, we can no longer be eating or drinking off the land. But if we adopt either or both the 2 new orders I am espousing, the whole world operation will be that of a globalised hypermart with only one twist - and that is that since money (currency) is no longer the transacting medium - everything bought or sold will be free.

This is as good as spearing a bison or plucking off a durian tree of old. The retail malls, eateries and service providers are all running their businesses as one large banquet with the citizenry feasting, buying and consulting off them.

The homes we live in come free too as the building materials are free, obtained from another country either because of a barter, free-loading or through a banana transaction.

Hurricane Katrina has clearly demonstrated the evils , shortcomings and failure of the capitalistic model. The economy has created endless friction amongst its followers. The Asian financial crisis and stock market crashes have testified to its harbinger-status.

All of us are caught in a vicious cycle of rut, boom and bust. Our work sometimes means so little in terms of meaning and fulfilment that we only cling on solely because of that one evil need to stay alive and pay off all our encumbrances. We should be living out our lives meaningfully, fulfilling our aspirations in the arts and sciences to improve our health, lives, living condition and environment. We should be living as one with Father Earth.

Instead man is being pitted against man. Man against company. Company against company. Man and company against nation. Nation against nation. World against the environment. This is never going to end as far as I can see.

What we do know is that all of us will die one day. We should be living harmoniously together, on par , civilly, lovingly and compassionately. There should be no pecking order, wars (tangibly or metaphorically), domination, discrimination, hate and stratification.

I want to be able to walk into an eatery, eat my fill, chat merrily and wholeheartedly with the vendor and not worry about being overcharged, watch him miserably count his takings , slogging their asses off or subserviently taking orders from a warlord. Once money does not figure in any of our daily events, this can come true.

This is what the system has now generated. All manner of social ills and evils. Why are we burdening ourselves with so much with so little time and so short a span of life we own.

It must surely be a most un-natural order of things that was never meant to be, considering as I said we lived 99% of our time here as hunter-gatherers in the first place.

The economy cannot be dictated by money. Money must go. If the law of energy states that it can neither be created nor destroyed, so too must I add my law of Universal Humanity : If we are creators of the world order, so too can we be its destroyers.

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