Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Final Quips Before Quitting The FANE

Before I make my last quip revisiting yet again the Free and Natural Economy, I would like to just rattle off a whole list of stuff that has made me think deep and hard.

Sometimes, I feel like Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird" Boo Radley. At other times, I feel myself being Victor Hugo's "Hunchback of Notre Dame". A mixed bag of alienation and ex-communication. Of despair, being unloved, un-understood, different , Frankenstein freakishly monsterous and ugly. The world has not made living any easier, with its undue emphasis on "cultural norms and beauty".

In our educational imperialism, we have dictated "character development" programs as a must for all our school-going people. I wonder how if this is turned backwards and instead the proponents prove themselves as characterally developed, much as they unfairly and onerously propel this cannon ball onto the turf of their charges.

For a start, sell all their cars and start walking or taking the public transport system. Why do I see rows upon rows of gleaming new cars in the school parking lot, only ridden at two peak periods of the day, before and after school? What a needless waste of precious resources! What an environmental impact we would make if we go green!

Go hungry, fast for days, weeks and months. Have one meal a day like I do. Do without creature comforts like the air-conditioner at home. Better still, do without a maid. Give up your cushy, well-paying job which you took from the people anyway.

You mean we paid you so you could pay yourself, lord over us and make our lives miserable? You lowly life-forms of the Gandalf clan.

If you had done your job well, we never would have private commercialised tutorials sprouting up like mushrooms on a spore spree, would we?

Oh yes. To think that when I gun down an investor, I am accused of free-loading. And soliciting for donations is not? In fact my investor gets a return on his money while a donation only earns a tax exemption, provided it is approved as tax-deductible, that is.

I have seen my single lady neighbor living in the lap of luxury with a maid waiting on hand and foot. The other neighbor strikes me as a spoilt, richie rich, brat who still has the maid , wife and mother doing the laundry and cooking for him.

Do we seriously at times say something but feel another. Sample these:

False outer utterance : How are you? Haven't seen you for some time now. How have you been?

Real inner voice: You mean you are still alive, you slimeball. I thought you had been incarcerated in Siberia and will never return to civilisation again.

FOU: Could you please pass me the salt , dear?

RIV: What in darnation? Why are you hoarding the salt, you moron?

FOU: I love you to death, honey. Muak. You are the reason I live today and tommorrow.

RIV: Drop dead, you son of a whore. Get a life and I wished we were never hitched. I had to put up with Nubi your dog and your snores all day and night.

Last critique that keeps popping up in my head regarding the free and natural economy. And hopefully the last.

Last critique: Give me supporting evidence why this economy will work and I will be your loyal advocate of the FANE.

Answer: In economic history, we already have a good starting point to show how this can work. When we first economised, we had physical gold as a means of trade. That meant lugging cumbersome, wieldy and asinide gold bars for exchange. But we switched to paper as a IOU which eventually had a fraction of its value put up as collateral. Today, paper and mint currency have been accepted as prima facie media of trade and commerce. Likewise, doing without money currency will be the same. It becomes a mere matter of book-keeping and mental calculation without the tangible physical currency being ever changed hands. What is best is that with a base index, we never devalue or revalue its worth. It is a stable, non-fluctuating virtual currency. All it needs for it to work is for world acceptance and collaboration, all 193 nations that we are made up.

Last and final critique: But what are you doing to economics, the economists (that dear author who fucked us in Freaknomics in particular) and economic theory in general?

Answer: Surprisingly a very good academic question. Economics will continue as it is being taught, albeit as history but especially espousing this new theory. Economists will function as they are doing now. Economic theory will become both historical and momentous while at the same time futurist. Adam Smith can go to hell with his "Wealth of Nations" and economic scarcity and the theory of diminishing returns will be replaced by the Law of Boundless Plentiful made possible by Efficient Re-allocation and distribution coupled with the demise of currency. In short man live life to the hilt meaningfully with no ugly side effects such as displacement or dislocation.

Ok ok, ultimate critique, I am so sorry for fielding so many questions: What is your final word on the FANE?

Answer: With the FANE, you must remember that the obliteration of currency is only one of two interlinked jigsaws to fit a puzzle. The other is the natural economy which has to kick in for us to save our earth and our lives. With FANE, nobody controls the world anymore, not Soros, not any government, not even you and me. We have plugged ourselves into American politicism, economism and socio-culturalism and so too we can plug ourselves out. All the current backlashes has one and only one defining trait - the evil twin axes of money as currency and the destruction of earth. Once FANE is in place, we are saved.

So there, what do economists and world central bankers think of my FANE model? Or the Supermarkets and Electronic Herds. Neat, nice and a befitting theory?Good, go on, try it. This is certainly no Eve's sinful and amoral urging. We will see the return of paradise once more.


Amon said...

Why, wat a marvellous brilliant idea! It is so whacky it might just work. I can think of all the times I visit a shop or an eatery. I don't need my Visa or American Express card. I can leave home and do without it! Wahaha. All i need is shop and eat till i drop. The cashiers tote up the bill like they always do, as per normal, for book-keeping sake and for entries purposes but without the currency. But wait, what abt the banks. That could prove a headache.
Signed M/s Shop and Eataholic

Amon said...

Dear M/s Drop Dead Now or Eat your Hear to Diabetes and hypertension

Well yeah. Thanks a lot for the kind encouragement. Well the banks will go on as usual. They will have customers coming in only just so for book-keeping entries. The automated cash-dispensers will spill out receipts for "virtual" cash transactions. No hard cash spewing out. The cash in the vaults unfortunately will be useless. I suggest they be burned as hell money, used as toilet rolls or just as fuel for bonfire as and when we all feel the mood to camp out. Think of an additional bonus - no more security, no more thefts, no more alarm systems. The security can still be there just for safeguarding the tellers from perverts. The alarms can stay to act as sirens for emergencies. What a wonderful and beautiful life we are all gonna have. What do u think?
Signed: Amon THE DUDE

Amon said...

Hey and I just remembered one other thing. I am in fact doing something no different than what cyber games are doing to our young minds today. They are playing out a purely fictitious, non-existent and imaginary world. If they can do it, if the birds did it with their ultra-violet vision , so can we. It is all in the mind.
Signed: Amon the DUde,...again.

Amon said...

And furthermore, even for negative equities, life goes on, book-entries go on. there is no such thing as refusal to sell or lend. It will just all bankroll and accumulate. This is the beauty of the FANE. Coz we don't see hard cash or currency anymore, we can afford to do this.We can eat, shop, borrow, shit, live, drink, die all for free as long as we dont see currency. Do you see it now?
Eyes widening in amazement