Thursday, January 01, 2009

Arh....The Wonders Of Life (Updated)

Personal Trainers - Are They Worth Their Salt And Your Money?
My personal training with a personal trainer at Calif was, to say the least, a huge disappointment.

He has a good, well-built body for sure but sorely lacks the knowledge that I would expect him to possess. For example, most of what he says I can easily read up on in almost all body-building literature but I was expecting him to give a practitioner's angle on what works and what doesn't.

He did show me some exercises that I haven't done before and I get to pick the ones which I deem to be effective, especially the cable pulley sort. After showing various body parts exercises, it was more circuit training than anything else.

He keeps changing the times and days and till today, a month or more later, I still have one LAST and FINAL PT session to clear with him.

It seems to me that he was more a salesperson than anything, selling supplements on the side, consistently on his mobile while we were doing our PTs and so on.

I am not the least bit interested in him as a partner of course. Friend maybe. Workout partner, most certainly.

That will be the last time I will engage any PTs.

Fakes At The Gym
You can spot all the fakes at the gym.

The trainers and some of the members.

My Part-Time Lecturer At The University
He is a psychology practitioner at a private hospital (we can't really verify this, can we?). So I suppose with a workload like that and this is a part-time job, the two just don't meet.

He isn't sure of the material on hand probably because he doesn't have time to read them. So classes consist of screening many video shows and sometimes we wonder how they link to our study concepts on hand.

For someone married and childless, he sure harps a lot on LGBT issues. And sometimes his words have many insiduous effects. The therapy sessions with clients where there is sex on the side - the cleavage, the six-packs, the legs, the clawing of a hotbod, etc etc. One wonders what this effect has on the student participants.

Moreover I am surprised that he brings up so many gay cultural thingy - like the dead giveaways about where the eyes look, the side the watch is worn on and so on - which I am not even aware of and I am sure the gay community isn't too.

Even that brief moment that he touches on divorces, he isn't even sure of the Women's Charter where a foreign student participant had hers annulled in 3 months while I thought there would be some years of separation (and I know it was something like 3 years).

I am not sure if he isn't even trying to psycho the gays into turning straight or if he is just hiding under a cloak of sexual ambiguity, being married that he claimed to be.

Perhaps as a shield, a marriage of convenience, a cover-up (he may be single too) or perhaps caught up in a loveless marriage nearing its end.

He certainly gels in with my roomie, and I know they are faking many many things.

Because he mentions revolutionary cause while my roomie wears a tee with the graphic icon of Che Guevara - the post communist/current capitalist icon of rebellion.

So what the hell are they up to? I suspect a link between the two of them. Maybe one has undergone counselling under him and he must have molested or had carnal relations with him?

And now he pushes him to me......

Evil will get its just desserts.

Who Is This Other Chinese Dude?

Worse I keep bumping into this Chinese guy who spends part of his life in our secondary school, like that disco dude who drops out at Secondary 3. Much like my roomie at Andy's who dropped out at Secondary 2.

He is telling me about all these stories about the KTVs, the school agents and so on.

What is he up to?

Right Here At Home
The owner has asked that I speak with Henry, a fellow flatmate who took over Ryan's room. This is like a repeat of Aunt Chan Moi's where his son didn't introduce Hiro to me but the other two Chinese cooks. (Introduce you all the rotten apples).

Anyway, I don't like the too big smile and grin Henry flashes. I know he is onto something and it is an artificial smile.

This could be the result of my long hair then.

As I said, I attracted all kinds of reaction, most non too positive. So Henry was probably the transgendered engrossed kind while Ryan wasn't, so Ryan was afraid and moved out? Or the owner just couldn't live with a straight and Ryan wasn't accepting of the owner. So therefore the owner malign Ryan as being a playboy? And asked him to move out?

Ryan was pretending to be straight when he isn't because he doesn't like the owner's sexual harassment?

Anyway, I ignored Henry and my judgement proved correct. He is a sales and marketing person and I have heard him speak before - another fake - and one night I stumbled on a woman he brought home. It is none of my business but she was bathing inside the bathroom and he opened the door to peer in and they left their g-string outside the door on the floor for all to see.

She could be a drag for all I know. I am glad I didn't get too close to him and though the owner's mom has told me he drives (as if like a cue for me to lash on to him for material wants), I can now console myself.

You should see Henry's face now once I shorn off my locks. I smiled one afternoon, flashing that exact big wide grin he gave me. He scooted off. He is keeping away I think.

Well everyone seems to bring in visitors even though they are supposedly attached.

What I Expect Of A Roomie
Look. What can I say except that we are in such close proximity and it will be most ideal if we are gay.

These I have hinted many, many, many times to this Chinese guy. I have prohibited female visitors. He has seen my Singapore Men's calendar. I asked him over a course of a week many personal and intimate questions and he can't be that dumb right?

And I already admitted to him my orientation on the first night. So if he is afraid or if he hates gays, then he should have moved out immediately.

More games people play. And yes there is the evil force outside who is doing this. Someone who wanna play GOD but look at the sleazespots they put here in our midst.

What do they have to say for themselves?

If One Is Your Beau, Of Course You Are Prepared, Right?
I am already fully prepared and equipped to cope with this Chinese guy if he is my beau.

For one, the snores. And yes I don't care about the baths either. The stinkier the sexier on him. And whatever else about him.

I have complete faith in him and trust his return.

I love him to death.

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