Sunday, January 04, 2009

Fakes, Impostors And Serial Liars

More New Year Hilarity
While on a smoke-out, I noticed this patrol car in broad daylight (Oo and the Police Post seems to operate on an office-hour basis these days) looking out for cars parked along the road. This seems to be the job of the Traffic Police.

And there was a police truck which seems to be the sort who can imprison wrong-doers was parked by the roadside all the while, for whatever reasons. Not long after, the SWAT team was seen getting out to patrol the MRT station.

Why aren't they diverting their attention to more constructive work like at night around sleazespots?

And at the stadium once, I witnessed three policemen out in full force on foot for no apparent reasons.

Instead of training your CCTVs in one particular housing estate (imagine the kinda funds spent like that), why don't you train them on sleazespots like these so you can monitor and get the real picture?

This is a laugh-a-minute kinda situation. They are never where they should be or needed. Our men-in-blue and our CCTVs.

An Exploitative West
The West has exhibited a history of exploitation. We all know that.

From driving out the Red Indians and the indigenous folks of the Pacific Ocean like Australia and New Zealand, for instance, they have, in colonial times taken advantage of Asia's goldmine of natural resources, usually with no qualms or compensation.

I chanced upon a particularly fragrant body scrub made from Javan spices which is made and packed in one of these former colonial countries. Not even a collaborative effort or the sharing of the profits or even a mention of thanks or acknowledgement with the originator of the product.

Now it seems, the situation hasn't changed much. First they have made Asia a low-cost manufacturing base for their products. Yes, the locals get jobs, probably rising to the middle-tier of society while the owners of the factors of production rise to the super-league of the rich and famous.

The rest of the masses become consumers of their products. They buy their branded goods, learn in their "reputed" schools and universities. At the end of the day, the West becomes richer than ever, keeping their first world developed status more than ever.

That explains the throng of them flooding Beijing, eager to open up a potentially huge international consumer market. Of course India is not spared.

Unfortunately the technological advances lie with them.

If Asia doesn't unite and form a bloc, and we do outnumber them in terms of population size, we will forever be exploited.

There Is Possibly One Good The West Can Do
Yes the West can do one thing fairly well.

That is to homosexualise the world. Make it legal like in some of their truly developed First World countries do. But don't stereotype or erotise it. As if they aren't already doing it with the bi or hetero communities.

Make forming meaningful relationships a first priority. Not sexual exploitation or coercion.

It is true that in imperial China or in any other current or ancient cultures, polygamy or concubinage was rampant. But the West has instituted laws forbidding this so the American media cannot possibly try to promote otherwise with its consistent portrayal of multiple relationships, fun on the side, etc etc.

The Insiduity Of Such Snide Remarks
While my lecturer is fun and funny and we consistently get our side-splitting moments, he was perpetrating many myths and he wasn't really fair with the gay community, I thought.

Like the joke on a transsexual who had colonstomy which a part of the colon then formed part of her vaginal construction. He termed it expressway and how faeces get discharged via that channel when having carnal relations.

This is of course a joke but a total injustice to transsexuals because that is biologically impossible.

He keeps harping on all kinds of gay cultural thingies which were either not heard of or untrue or perhaps only best known to himself.

We even read veiled threats into like how being an eminent psychologist, he has the power to label someone and get that person demoted or incarcerated. It smacks of harrassment of some sort. And I am pretty sure the Australian woman is in on this. She sits in class to be on hand to chastise the rest of us (in case we rebutt) in her perfect English.

In an email reply, he asked if I need therapy. That certainly shows what kind of person he is. I think he is just as dysfunctional and needs therapy even more, occupying the position that he claims to occupy.

While I appreciate his honesty and frankness and sharing his clinical experiences with us, I have to rethink that now. Because he harps on the same few issues repeatedly which shows a lack of true diverse clinical experience, being the EMINENCE he claims to be, and he wasn't sure on others that he claims to have counselled upon.

He seems to be a predator on the prowl himself for the vulnerable in the community, while holding up a false front. A lonely loveless predator. A fake.

This is perhaps a collaboration between the gay community, the bis and all that is sleaze who are in on a scam to hoodwink the rest of us. The Unholy Alliance.

Fakes, Impostors And Serial Liars
Count my roomie, my lecturer , at the gym and the rest of us.

Lies, lies and more lies. It is just insecurity, the inability to stand up for oneself, to build character to live out your sexuality, need for an emotional and security crutch or blanket. That is what it is.

You can't trust a single person these days. From my landlord (and I do suspect him doing many things on the sly like all his home visitors while holding down a relationship with one) to anyone. His parents are from across the causeway. He studied here since young and holds PR status without having to perform National Service. Life has been served to him on a silver platter.

I am not even sure if my roomie is quietly contacting him on the side now that he is out of my life. He did claim to be someone financially needy courting bigger financial powers. Who knows? He is desperate for a job here and needs the contacts.

This is what really demeans being able to form a truly positive relationship. Economics dictate and demeans it. Commercialisation. Sleaze, sex, fun, the whole slut works, everything.

Can this ever change?

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