Friday, January 09, 2009

More On Fakers, Impostors And Serial Liars (Updated)

Does The Gay Or Non-Gay Community Mean Me Or Anyone For That Matter Well?
When I had that tangle of long hair (I admit that because of the wave that it was a bit unkempt), the non-too-positive reactions came from all quarters.

From the gay to the non-gay communities alike. In fact, I thought I had more reaction from the gay community. The instant reaction was that I was transgendered or that I was contemplating to. So I had many unkind snide remarks about friends who were castrated and who now live as transsexuals.

I thought they were kinda like egging me on. Go on, you should! Cut it! You know, that kinda thingy.

The guy who tried to push me some pills (oO and he got a Malaysian supplier it seems), was himself I think non-too-secure, so he was the worst of the pack. And sure enough several transgendered beings cross my path soon after. As if trying to mirror me for me to see myself.

I detect some kinda jealousy over something that I am not too sure what it is. Perhaps because of the house I owned previously, the people I turned down several times or unwittingly offended or my seemingly "luxurious" lifestyle (this is so hilarious), so the community must be buzzing with hatemail and gossip about moi and spreading all those untruths.

As I said, there seem to be some collusion between the gay, bi, business and public services that are trying to pin me down, nail and crucify me. They are trying to script my life for me and for no good end. And in a most evil and insiduous way too.

Don't trust them to be supportive. In fact, trust them to jeopardise your position or relationships or to laugh at you. Not too many can be trusted. They have suffered through their own ridicules themselves back then.

More On Fakers, Impostors And Serial Liars
The most obvious give-away is the body language of this particular Filipino Personal Trainer. He is most uncomfortable in the presence of "seemingly transgendered" people (moi counting as being one once) and you can detect his insecurity.

To cover up, some will bring gals into the picture and others try to exude swaggers and sado-machoism or intone our National Service regimented style of doing the PTs.

In fact, given time, you can begin to notice the body languages of a few other PTs caving in.

One or two has taken to harassing moi more recently.

And of course the members.

Gee, what can I say? The world is full of lies? I am beginning to feel uncomfortable myself when I realise how many of them there are EVERYWHERE! Some are pretty obvious, some not at all while others are truly subtle.

My roomie has on occasions displayed his vulnerabilities and I know it. I don't hate it. I like it and I accept him for all that he is.

Gays Or Non-Gays, Hear Moi (Wahahahahahaha, This Is Such A Laugh Too) Out
I think this is also partly our education stereotypes. It happens in schools and at home.

I hear this at kindergarten or pre-nursery schools where the "educators" go on about boy and girl roles (this is a boy, he wears blue, this is a girl, he wears red or you are a boy, you can't cry), what to expect and so on.

The more we come up with stupidities like role playing, penile sizes, multiple-wayed relationships (putting off other serious-minded mongamous gay relationship seekers) or other ludicrous gay-cultural thingy (colors or fashion or whatever), the more we are gonna throw up even more horrendous insecurities, liars, fakers and impostors.

Let the relationships and roles play themselves out eventually as they surely will and we all play many, many roles.

Gays or whoever you are, do you hear moi (there, even my use of this term "moi" is fake).


Bisexual But Strong Preference Is For Guys
I can now certainly conclude that I am bisexual, there is no doubt about that. But I prefer guys more and for a beau, I rather live in with a guy (and then again certain guys - no wimps and blimps) more than anyone else.

Girls are distant friends and only certain girls with good personality and character traits.


The Complexities And Stresses Of Life
There you have it folks.

How did the complexities arise which then lead to stresses?

Because we weave a web of intricacies, deceit and lies around ourselves and others. We can't be truthful and that is because the environment (policies, conditioning and so on) disallow us to.

Therefore the environment has to change, then come truthfulness and we are able to live again.

Sometimes we self-created them. It has nothing to do with the environment. Yes, we ourselves. Because we wanna control, play games, have fun or we just didn't read clearly the signs.

Only blame ourselves in this instance. And no one else.

Practice directness, truthfulness in most instances and make things very clear from the beginning - that is clarify expectations.

And then complexities and stresses are gone for good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a happy day for him when he gave us our new lives, through the truth of his Word, and we became, as it were, the first children in his new family. JAMES 1:18 LB