Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Chinese Niu Year

Manipulators - TAs
Ben is really gonna be very silly.

I can tell he isn't the business-man type and he is a whimpering, wimpy, limp-wristed, love-lorn, sick gay in need of constant sex. He has Rick but Rick is just Rick. He is no match for the Chinese.

If he thinks my ex-roomie is the debonair, suave and loving type, he is mistaken. I have seen him in action at school, always leading, always manipulating. He is a TA looking for a meek weakling like Ben to manipulate and wrest control. And he has many Chinese allies behind him, including his lover, his hometown beau who is on the program with him.

If he acts as an agent, he will squeeze Ben to death and finally gets what he wants.

He will say all kinds of things now but wait till he gets what he wants, it will be the end of Ben. He will coo sweet whispers and love into Ben's ears. Ben is the sort who will fall for it. Wait longer and then you will see.

If the degree is fake, you can imagine the other side must be collaborating. Ben will be sorely disappointed when he visits the "campus" and he better check it out. It is gonna be like one of our many private schools here. And there are many out there in Australia, Canada and the States, precisely catering to gullible Asians and they will end up nowhere.

I hope I am wrong but then again, I can be right.

The Blues
Now the cop planted here before me was an ethnic-mixed. I know for a fact, I can't trust him and he knows nothing of the law. First at the pool, then at the gym and it was a whole load of nonsensities he was mouthing.

The question is who are the others they plant in the school. I can spot them. But are they weeding out drugs and sex (especially among the Chinese girls) or are they in on it, including extorting money?

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