Friday, January 09, 2009

Only A Musing But Some Must Be Right On Target

A Pack Of Lies - It Is Closure And Good Riddance
Finally I have closure on my relationship with my roomie.

I can see that he is gay and the circle of friends he moves around with are gays. He is the playful sort and he just wanna have his fun and fling with all of them. He is a pack of lies about being wanna be groomed for a monogamous gay relationship and so on and how being from China (and China has modernised and changed) he is the conservative sort.

He is pretending and must have done it loads of times back home and while entertaining clients to KTVs, I cannot believe he would have nothing to do with the KTV girls.

In fact he could be earning money on the side servicing older folks to pay for his school fees like the Chinese masseurs I know. And I am pretty sure my lecturer is in on this, being the counsellor he is, he is probably getting the referrals.

Among other things my roomy had said were that he is able to attract both guys and gals and I know pretty well his relationship with his fellow countrymate. I think he thinks too highly of himself.

The last 15 days he disappeared were the days the school had a recess and he was out enjoying himself. Maybe he rode the Singapore Flyer and got stuck there too when it malfunctioned.

His excuse was that he wanted to see his cancer-stricken dying grandfather back in China. So he wants me to do all the dirty stuff for him like helping him with his English, all the back- breaking work while he is out to eat and enjoy.

After he has enough fun with the gays and probably fling with the gals as well, he is gonna marry

He probably wanna rent a place here within distance of the school so he can bring in folks for fun. School mates, friends and the whole ding-dong gang. Thinking I will have bring in my circle of people and play along.

I can only wish him a couple of things : I know his health isn't too good and it will deterioriate with time at the rate he goes on with his late night online activities and so on. His school work will suffer (but of course given his relationship with the school, he is probably gonna get off the hook).

And knowing how girls and gays are (from the circle I come from), someone in the circle will one day outmaneovure him and he will have his just dessert. *Period*

It is TATA and I am on another quest for a roomie who can be gay and faithful to me despite all the happenings in the surround.

I wanna settle down and when I start being a counsellor myself, I am stable and detached and professional to deal with a whole range of emotions. No dual or multiple relationships with any of my charges.

And Then There Is My Lecturer
I know my lecturer is stressed from the way he looks and his tired face and seriously, that explains why he is repeating the same few topics over and over again save for a couple of lessons.

I think he needs a break and a holiday. Which he said he did ride the Singapore Flyer and I am sure he did it on an outing with these Chinese students. They all know one another. The lecturers and the Chinese students and I spotted a young Chinese masseur among them.

He was tagging along with the MBA students and whoa was it a young class especially my roomie's countrymate. 21 (I think he is younger) and doing an MBA class. He isn't rich (as I postulate and contrary to what my roomie says) and is probably financed on some sexual service he provides.

And yes, my lecturer is lying too so he was constantly blinking his eyes, a surefire sign of deceit. He gets away with it only because he is sharp and quick to react. Oo and he bicycles and he lives near moi's vicinity and I am sure my roomie is holed up with him.

He has told me, you think all the lecturers are good? And I instantly get it. Not to mention he got his qualifications from the school and his credentials and working place should now be questioned because we can't verify it.

Therefore he trembled once when I spoke to him because he knew I will see through him.

EVIL will always see its day. Because it will get entangled in its own lies and be the death of the beholder.

Argh And Then There Is That Little Spy
Don't forget that little wimp they sent me who constantly mouths those thingies he does. It is so obvious he appears whenever he does.

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