Saturday, January 03, 2009

Human Nature - Or Is It? (Updated)

No New Industries For The Masses
An early morning expedition to this podium block near moi's current residence reveals not one, not two, not three but five KTVs located on five out of the 8 floors of the building.

One is already an established old name, a bit run down too while the latest is an ultra-modern retrofitted posh club as it claims.

The other floors house a private school (WHOA! Imagine education amidst unwarranted education of another kind and that explains why another Mongolian student has moved out of this residence long ago) and a drugstore.

I can imagine what this drugstore dispenses. Can you? It must certainly complement the nature of the sex industry housed within its premise, no? There is already one right across the street.

Of couse the sleazespots also feed a burgeoning alcohol-brewed and based industry. Can they afford to lose this?

O man! We are laying claim to building up the petrochemicals, banking, digital animation and IT, pharmecuticals, research and development and the clean-energy industries. All very fine and well.

In fact our leaders were once harping on banking and IT, upholding them as the flaming torches apexing a pyramid of employment opportunites.

Now that the economy is in a tailspin and a global recession has set in and a financial crisis has swept across the world (with a myriad of banks collapsing and others retrenching), what remains of the banking sector?

Furthermore, just how many of our graduates and non-graduates are gonna be employed in these 'newly-created' industries? Can all of them be? Do the supply of graduates and non-graduates match the the supply of job vacancies?

So what of the vast majority of the rest of us who certainly cannot fill a fixed and limited quota of jobs in these industries?

Work in the scummy and sleaze trades? The gambling dens, the massage parlors, the KTVs, a slumping retail sector and the food and beverage industry?

It shows, scummies, you have created nothing for your citizenry. We are all being educated at various tiers to be unemployed.

Either that or it is cleaning, sweeping or security guarding or patrolling.

What if some of us do not wanna work in the medical services corp? Now that there is a crunch, have you thought why? You made it so hard to study medicine and you didn't train us for the nursing profession then. So who is to blame?

Human Nature
Please do not attribute any of these to "human nature". That men behave in a certan way and women in another. The law of the jungle. The alpha males. The need for power.

If we start off in schools and at home, and teach that one is enough and what a relationship entails, less of this will manifest itself.

Look at the media's portrayal of what constitute a relationship. We are shaped by Hollywood's preoccupation with sex, star looks and hot bods (in most cases, cosmetically and surgically altered that feeds a multi-billion dollar industry because you define one look and one kinda bod). Multiple relationships. It is all around us. The Internet, movies and television serials.

This has got to change. Human nature can change and has to change. It begins with education.

Sellers And Marketeers - Entertainers That Are Scripted , Packaged And Sold
We al know how we have at one time or another come head to head with a sales person.

I have nothing against them. I have been one myself. But it is just so sick that none of us can really build up true relationships with anyone these days without that back-of-the-mind uneasiness that we are always courted to be sold something.

First multi-level marketeers, flag donations, then insurance agents.

These are glib and silvery-tongued, suave , debonair , smooth operators (remember Sade's song of the same title?). Just at my university's city campus, there is an anchor tenant who deals in the insurance trade.

One training session of theirs moi chances upon says it all - "Script Creation" session.

These marketeers are not their true selves anymore. They are reading from scripts to market and sell you something. Exuding warmth and friendliness, they will talk their way through your heart and SELL YOU SOMETHING - usually something you don't need.

I remember the days when I was one and the kinda agents who were working there. One was a good-looking chap. Preying on lonely hearts and sexual needs, sex can be a weapon. Like the KTV girls.

More Pertinent And True Psychology Please
I have written about how psychologists, in order to keep alive and promote their profession, must consistently come up with new research and psychology topics. Otherwise the profession dies a certain death , no?

Now we do have some really ludicrous psychology talking points. Fetal psychology indeed.

And how does Freudian theory explain the Oediupus Complex for gays? Has he even considered the viewpoint of the gay community, instead of bulldozing through a strictly straight perspective?

Making an issue out of nothing.

Rebuttals Against Some Anti-Gay Sentiments
Why is my psychology lecturer targetting so much at LGBT issues? And he had spewed forth many anti-gay sentiments . And perpetrated some myths too. He is probably trying to psycho some of us and this is obviously obvious.

Myth #1: Gay relationships don't work
Well if he is a therapist, for sure he consults on cases that don't, the ones that do, won't be seeing him, will they?
And why doesn't it work? Because like the institution of marriage which is now threatened even more than ever, we were never given the chance to survive, with a mainstream working against it
Does that mean only "hetero" relationships work?

Myth #2: If it is harder to go by the back, why don't you go the front way.
I guess it is much tighter behind and it needs loosening and more guidance in locating the blackhole?

Unless of course you are a porn actor and that sex partner has been loosened up so many times and you had practice on him so many times already.

And we do have to peform in the cloak of darkness sometimes and in awkward places?

Myth #3:Have gay sex and get AIDS
Is AIDS a homosexual or is it now a predominantly "hetero" disease? Maybe there was cross-fertilisation. The bis contracted it and spread it around to their "hetero" community.

Myth #4: A split or multi-personality disorder is even worse than being gay.
Well true, I guess gays must mask their identities even more in a "hetero" world. But won't bis suffer the same fate?
And what of straying straights who are married? Don't they lie and cheat and wear masks too?
Doesn't everyone wear different hats to suit the occasion to survive? Games people play.

Issue #5: Is gay a being or is it a lifestyle?
What kind of a question is that? If I get it right, this just boils down to the nature-nurture debate. For sure, if you are a gay being, you pick a gay lifestyle. Likewise for the rest.

So is the two a dichotomy? Or is it one and the same. One follows the other. It is not a either-or choice. If you are a being (any kind of being), you pick a lifestyle.

Lifestyle of the rich and famous beings, remember?

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