Saturday, January 24, 2009

More Sleaze (Updated)

What More To Lose
I have lost my beau (I am not sure to who yet.....or if there is ) and in the coming days I am not even sure what I am gonna lose. Maybe even my life. I am keeping my fingers crossed and I can only hope for the best.

The Gravity Of My Plight
I hope people understand this.

I had always been a good kid. In Secondary 1 & 2, I was under very bad influence because of the class I was posted to and I made a wrong turn switching to a nieghborhood junior college after that.

I had sexuality issues and familial problems and I dropped out of university.

Private tuition fed me for a while. My working experience in the insurance, banking, accounts/audit, IT and medical/pharmaceutical sales (mostly SMEs family-based kinda set-ups) had been horrible, given the kind of colleagues and bosses I worked for.

Totally devoid of ethics and good sense. Money, more money and lots of politicking. I had to sell off my car and turned to education. I liked it but yet again it was the boss and colleagues.

When I tried my hand at entrepreneurship, it was in fact the best phase of my life. I enjoyed it but the few projects didn't see me through. I had to fold up and sold my house and did investment instead.

Now just when I thought life was picking up and I could finish with my own education and turn to schools as they now have job opportunities of the kind that can sustain me, I may be made a bankrupt and that means no employment for many years.

Not only that, I lost my beau (someone I truly love and thought we could make our lives together) and the prospect of a roof over my head and a nest egg and given my age, I can't start from scratch.

I know what kind of person Ben is and I have lived with all those landlords before (the gays, bis, straights, divorced, singles, family, young and old and whatever) and I HATE THEM ALL.

I won't live with my sisters as all my woes in part originated from them.

I can only hope that there will be a light at the end of this tunnel.

A Thriving Sex Industry
To indicate to you just how good business is at these KTVs. The parking lot has 250 vacancies. 100 is reserved for residents. The rest is open to the public.

On a weekday night, there are only about 30-60 lots empty. That means on average, there are about 90-120 customers at the KTVs. That does not even count those that come on foot or by public transport. What more weekends!

Our sex industry is thriving man!

Ben The Education Entrepreneur Or Serial PlayBoy
Ben, the landlord, is still at it. It seems his coupling with Rick (or Peter) is a scam and a cover-up. He has many visitors and one right after we sat down to chat over coffee to discuss my lease agreement when my beau left.

He said that out of 10 gay relationships, only 1 will remain faithful like himself. The next day I saw one guy visiting and last night two Frenchmen (he could actually speak some French too). He has so many different visitors and one night I could hear a Chinese guy in his room cybergaming and I wasn't sure if that was my ex-beau.

He had said that his three aunties disapprove of Chinese and that if Ben should ever marry one (they assume he is straight) they will not attend his wedding dinner.

He neglects his tutorial school and has someone running it for him. He stays home and has all these visitors. He is a playboy. Rick is probably one of these runners. Ben is rich but let us see what the longer term holds out for him.

Ben is a serial liar and says the exact opposite of what he means and his body language gives him away. He is almost like my psychotic lecturer and guess what, my lecturer isn't listed at the hospital's counselling centre when I enquired.

Ben couldn't face me squarely when he said all that and I am not sure if he is eloping with my ex-beau to Canada to do his masters degree. Sounds a lot like it and they share one thing in common - they love karaoke and that means my ex-beau was lying when I asked him about his hobbies. He had then said nature and all those things I like.

That means he is a TA and he changes his stance to suit the occasion.

I am not even sure if Ben instigated anything because my beau is now holed up near where his tutorial school is. And I am pretty sure this school is a recruitment ground for his many sexual activities and I have seen young chaps too visiting him.

If my postulate is true, Ben and my ex-beau deserve each other and they will be the death of themselves. My ex-beau is after his money and he is the sort who will then say goodbye when it is over and done with and Ben will have his end.

Private Schools' Fakes
You should examine the university logo for this overseas university affiliated to my school's MBA program. They are different. Why? Unless it is fake. And I realised my lecturer is a fake too. And I think in this bad time of property sales, these agents are masquerading themselves here as educational sales consultants. Maybe even as lecturers?

Remember, my lecturer cannot distinguish between "overlap" and "inscribe" and for the doctorate he holds? He has memory lapses and can't remember he did our course preview and yes, he lost my script (I had sent him and the program manager my scripts).

Introduce a friend for a 100 bucks commission and I was right. The women sitting around me are in on it. She got the commission for a friend introduction. I knew it.

Property Agents Masquerading As Educationists
Then when I was holed up at Tampines (remember the hot young wimpy masseur), the owners were two people with the same family name. A whole slew of agents presented themselves here when he wanted to sell off the place. I count two of them as my acting agents before when I tried selling off my place.

Now at this school (or university), the lecturer for the MBA program was similarly surnamed. He is supposed to be ethnically mixed and I knew a previous hot shot rich agent I engaged (and he didn't get the job and wasn't happy and tried halving the commission with the next agent who sold off my property as I was told) had a brother who lectures the private school circuit.

So were they trying to do me in?

That means that is how my ex-roomy comes into the picture. He must have been here some time and he was engaged as a property agent here. He must have entertained all those clients at the KTVs and judging from the medication he takes, he could have contracted something.

And he is slutting around...everywhere. And that hometown friend of his looks younger than 21. He is probably a minor. He is also in on this sleaze. And on the gay side. And doing an MBA?

Now that times are bad, muy ex-roomie takes up a MBA program in this school. He seems to know what is going on in my life too much.

Yes a few blimps were always present when I visit those same few places and of course the few foreigners and ethnic groups. I will have nothing to do with them.

Good Cops Or Bad?
I ran into a gay cop the other time. He only revealed himself much later even though I had noticed his blue pants and black shoes earlier.

I ran into him again at the gym. He is mouthing many nonsensicities. First I think what happens in private is private and does not deserve someone planted in our midst to sniff us out. If he is trying to bust drugs or commercial sex, that applies only to under 18s for the latter.

Certainly not between consenting adults. And the drugs are being sold online. He can go check that.

I know they are here among the private school. If they were to weed out the bad hats, fine and good but I suspect they are in on it as well. The sex, I mean. How despicable.

In fact this dude admitted he returned from a sex party in Hongkong involving drugs.

So much for the good guys! Or are they the bad guys?

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