Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The World Is Not Elliptical As It Appears

Sexual/Dual/Multiple Relationships
This is strictly prohibted in our counselling program.

I think if you are happily coupled, this would not happen between a counsellor and a counsellee. And I wanna move towards that direction.

Unless you are a lonely, empty and loveless predator on the prowl.

Besides, speaking for myself, I have proven it in living with all those gay, bi or straight landlords. Firstly because I wasn't keen and even for those like Andy and Rhemi whom I am, I didn't allow it to happen. And I am not even emotionally attached. That says a lot right.

Andy is married with Ashley as his offspring and Rhemi as I soon got to know him, sux BIG TIME. He can go on deceiving himself and live with his voluptuous big-breasted whoever.

Right here, I have rejected Ben and Rick's (the happy couple) advances and while I like Rafi and his beau, I didn't allow it to happen either .

If it happened with that Mynamese at Fatbloke's or with my roomie, both of whom claim to be coupled with gals, I disregarded it because I knew they were fakers.

The Herd Instinct
My counselling program puts down living alone as a predisposition for suicide. O boy, do I ever think this is wrong. I didn't harbor any such thoughts , though life may be tough, when I lived on my own.

Now that I am put here amidst "humanity", I must say I have thought of it several times when dealing with these "humans". My roomie. And the rest. Oo. Plus the Great Financial And Emotional Depression.

Counsellor Impairment
I can understand my lecturer very well. He is facing stresses and so class becomes grievances-pouring sessions. It is normal. But does he have to harp on it so many times?

And he was once nearly sued for instigating a divorce between a man and a woman.

Sometimes he just spews forth many many many things without thinking (an all those cliches)and the gravity of his words are not weighed. I am not sure if this could be part of the precipitation for the divorce. He could have inadvertently done the couple a disservice.

Or did he do it on purpose.

In class he has been firing in rapid succession a whole load of issues that were too quick for us to respond to or we just didn't have the opportunity to rebutt.

And he covers his track by reacting lightning quick.

Issues there were unfair to some of us.

This Is Intent For You
He questions intent. For moi, if it is a sex therapy session or an erotic massage session, it is just that. If I do the above, why can't I act as a confidant as I provide both physical and mental relief to my patient.

Of course if it is a relaxing or sports massage, it is just that too. And I can still act as a confidant too, can't I?

And if it is just counselling, it is just counselling. Mental relief. Are you daft? Or pea-brained?

Holistic therapy in the former two cases? You bet.


More Smoking Ban At Public Places
Even open-air places are now not spared and perhaps at car parking lots because of the combustible fumes? it is not such a bad idea.

But that 5m ban within an exit/entrance is so debatable. People cannot precisely judge that 5m though a visual assessment sometimes can. So a 5m marker to mark out this spot is in order. Otherwise any security guard can just be very subjective.

And if you are restricting so many places but ciggies are still readily available, where are the smokers supposed to smoke.

My Littering Fine - ParkWay Parade Shopping Mall
Yes I was caught within this 50m or so beltway dotted with benches and flowerbeds. On one side are fast food joints. KFC has two smoking tables with ash trays and a plastic bin (not meant for stubbing out ciggies).

The other side is a stretch of cafes with smoking zones and litter bins of course.

Both are on elevated platforms.

Smoking along this 50m beltway is allowed but not a single bin is in sight. As the other bins are not easily accessible and the sole metal litter box and bin is placed at a side entrance of a shopping mall (gosh, doesn't this violate the 5m ruling) far away, it is so preposterously stupid.

Look at other open-court smoking places with so many bins placed a couple of metres within each other.

So what is the criterion for the placement and spacing of bins? If there is even one or is it haphazard.

Towel Sharing Between Male And Female Patrons And Ridiculity Of Counter Times And Return Of Towels
Before I joined Calif, I went there for a pre-trial after 11am or so. So I wasn't cognisant that towels were shared between both male and female patrons.

Only after joining membership did I realise that. It was because the counters had different opening times.

Imagine sharing towels like that. Even husbands and wives don't, what more strangers. Yes they are laundered but can we be sure? In fact towels should be color-coded and separated out, one for males, the other for females.

Now they ridiculously want us to return towels to the 2nd floor only and they closed the 3rd floor counter untill a certain time -11am in this case. (Female showers on 2nd, males on the 3rd) Even this time limit isn't strictly observed. 11.30am and there is still no counter open yet.

I cannot see why that 3rd floor counter (or at least just a bin) be open for collecting soiled towels round the clock without the need for a staff to man the counter.

Anyway it is the one and the same towel, what big difference does it make?

Stupid as it comes, stupid as it goes.

Does it make sense?

What Does This Show?
If my roomie had prohibited visitors on my part, I would have been happy. Because it will show that he is monogamous.

I had asked about visitors and he is ok with it. But I told him that since we were sharing a room, I will not have visitors and likewise I expect the same of him.

I was disappointed to say the least.

And all the nonsense about complicated, convoluted relationships and that people are basically slut. Is this human nature or is it the effect of pornography or of ourselves and our value system?

I offered to help him with his school work but he didn't respond.

I am not sure what is happening on the side (if any) between him and Ben. I suspect there is. Ben and Rick have shown that they can be capable of deceit. And I am not sure where my roomie is holing up now.

If he is financially needy, he will probably need to hook up with them.

And Ben has typecasted (though I thought a bit unfairly) that all the Chinese were money-minded and only sought wealth.

I think maybe it only happens in my roomie's case while the rest should genuinely be seeking an education and a job or to return home for some economic role.

I just hope they are not doing something behind my back. That will be so unethical and Ben should know better.

The real playboy should be him.

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