Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Squeaky Clean Singapore Squeaks Sleaze

Is It Foreigners Or Our Very Own Locals Who Patronise SleazeSpots?
Wait. As a matter of conscience, I think I have to elaborate further on the sleaze galore that is what we have become nowadays.

On a Friday night out to observe this sleazespot, and moi suspects on other weekday nights as well, I see mostly older patrons. Some are so old and so ordinary folksy-looking while others are the rich, their big BMWs and Mercs, blatantly trumpeting their wealth.

You can't tell from looks who visit these sex establishments. Some are specky, nerdy types and you would have thought decent people.

On a Saturday night, you see a younger crowd, quite a few Bengs among them - the technical services sort.

We have our leaders harping on how foreign investors like these clubs and pubs and sleaze. But I see a largely local clientele.

And the KTV girls are dressed in all kinds of clothes too. Revealing cleavages, see-throughs and zipper side shorts and of course, the really mini minis. Others are decently dressed of course.

Lorong 14 Geylang
Other news I got wind of is how Lorong 14, Geylang is filled with old Indian hookers, soliciting for clients. I chanced upon one myself, a very old Indian woman with a much younger Indian man near moi's residence.

Is This Good News Or Is It Bad?
Our medical services corp is growing at 20% per annum, so we are told.

That is why two new hospitals are coming up soon.

What does that say? Certainly it must be part of a medical hub strategy to attract a regional and international clientele.

More telling, could it be that we are not taking care of our health as much or in the kind of modern lifestyle we lead (the food, the entertainment, the whole works) that is making us sedentary and prone to illness?

Singaporeans are working and dining and entertaining and stressing themselves for a ripe old age of diseases is how I can conclude this to be.

We have a crunch of doctors and nurses. While we didn't train our own for the nursing profession untill like more recently and we made our study of medicine so stringent then, now we open the floodgates to foreigners to fill these vacancies.

What Do We Make Of These Figures?
25% of our cohort are university trained. 6% are employed in the finance sector. So what are the rest of the 19% gonna do? Cabbying, security guarding, cleaning or is it cards dealing and clients entertaining?

Complexities Of Life And Stresses
Everyone attributes their decadent lifestyles like wining, dining and womanising to these.

While it is true to a certain extent, I think it has more to do with the lack of meaningful activities to engage in. Or at least they don't wanna seek out these kinda activities, preferring the vices.

What it does boil down to, I think, is just lame excuses, to cover up their lack of control, their pleasure seeking and hedonistic ways.

I think we have ourselves to thank for complicating our lives. From the top down to the bottom.

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