Wednesday, December 31, 2008

More Of What Goes On

Why Am I So Taken Up With This Chinese Guy?
First I think half of me is Chinese, coming as it is from my mom. And we know how many years of civilisation the Chinese has. Its exotic, imperial, warring times that dazzles and beckons. Having visited Beijing, that was even more surreal.

Kinda going back to my roots.

When I visited Taipei, I was impressed with the mostly refined, melodious and soft-toned Chinese language the men spoke. Of course some of the women were coarse. China is catching up but probably the countryfolks have a lot more catching up to do.

This Chinese guy typifies it. It is a different language and I am drawn to it as I am frankly sick of our Singlish, or English as it is spoken.

A perfect gentleman. Schooled, refined and suave.

If he is for real, that is. And he is not faking it, packaging it because he was a marketeer.

Many parts of China have modernised. The culture for them now is to entertain clients at KTVs and massage parlors. So I am not expecting them to be too different from us here. But I am sure some roots still die hard.

But Who Exactly Is He?
There are of course many other postulates about him. Like maybe he really came here to study but fell into bad company (yes, I have seen his friends and I don't like most of them save for one or two). And his English is impeding him from going further.

He has gone nuah while here. I can see him logging on till late in the night while he stays with me which is really depriving him of his much needed sleep but elsewhere, he logs on only in the afternoon which means he sleeps till the late morning and perhaps goes out at night as he doesn't log on at night anymore.

The ticketing stamp on his hand luggage reads 15 Sep and he claims he is here only for 3 months. Like most other Chinese guys I ran into, they invariably seem to be here only 2 months. But the ticket does look a bit worn down and I am sure he has been here longer than he claims.

I have not checked his passport and that would say it all. Is he even the person he claims he is? Is he from a different school even.

If he was seducing moi for some bad intentions, I cuss him to hell and he will have his just desserts as he surely will, along with his other conspirators.

He will end up like my army mate Allan. Look at what has happened to him decades later.

I have a funny feeling, he is playing with both women's and men's emotions. But as I said, he will have his just rewards.

I am crossing my fingers and keeping faith and see how things will go.

It Does Leave Me With An Emotional Vacuum
I am not sure if I can take on another new roomie in his place.

His leaving has left me in emotional flux and turmoil for a while. First there is denial that he is gone and then depression and sadness and now anger if he was trifling with my emotions all the while.

Now I just wanna forget him and get on with my life but it is easier said than done.

So a new roomie if he isn't gonna return will have to wait a while longer.

I am just hoping for his eventual return.

Class Sucks
I can't make fast friends here in my class. Half of them are of a different ethnic background. Most are women. Some are very much older women. Most are young. Mostly Singaporeans and we all know how we all think the same way most of the time.

Some internation students will be good. For a different perspective. The Australian woman is vocal. But where are the younger set?


Doesn't make it any better that it is part-time and there are no recreational or co-curricular activities for more interaction.

Unlike a full-time class with the Chinese or younger students or the matured students doing masters or something like the Chinese guy.

One less circle for knowing people.

Come Up With More Consistent And Wholesome Values
Unless the gay community can come up with more consistent articles that espouses fidelity, we are gonna be looked upon as trash, sluts and doomed.

Of course it happens in the bi and hetero communities too.

Start off with striking up relationships. What is it all about. Friendship, love, caring, trust, etc.

Then, no pre-occupation with penile sizes as a prerequisite for a relationship or sex.

Emphasize a monogamous relationship first and foremost. Then perhaps a three-way or a four or multi-way may be feasible for some, but not all. Certainly a couple seeking a third or multi for ONS is gonna make us look trashier and sluttier.

Worse if it is with a bi. Emphasize that this may not work out in the longer term if he chooses to go another way. Then we are just side-kicks. Unless he switches back or chooses one.

Finally no definition of roles. It will be on a basis of mutual attraction first and the roles will play out eventually. Even then we play several roles with different people.

For the younger and prettier boys or even the not so young but pretty, I top. For the others, I may bottom. So in a sense I am flexi.

Do not make our community look as if like we are transgendered. That is at least what my lecturer seems to be harping on. All the time.

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